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Please Watch an Important Message Below From the Host of the 'Beyond the Brain' Docuseries... And Discover How To Start Healing Your Brain Today

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Skip the WAIT and Get Instant On-Demand Access to ALL 9 Episodes of the 'Beyond the Brain' Docuseries

PLUS 1,500+ Bitesize Health Videos AND the "Immune for Life," "Toxin Free," "Ageless" and "Unbroken" Docuseries,

All Designed to Help You Heal and Start Living Your Best Life

As low as $10/month. Cancel Anytime Online with 1 click.
Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad money-back guarantee.

How To Go From Crippling Depression, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Cognitive Decline and Even Neurodegenerative Conditions...

To Reclaiming Your Memory and Emotional Well-Being Starting Today

....Using the “Detox, Renew and Retrain” Pillars of Healing

'Before seeing me, this 45-year-old patient already had advanced Parkinson's disease.

She came in a wheelchair... It was truly heartbreaking.'

Her condition was something our expert Dr. Elena Villanueva would usually see in much older patients...

Usually in their late 70s or 80s.

Jenny was much younger.

Yet, there she was, a prisoner of her own body.

Confined to a wheelchair at an age when her friends were at the peak of their lives...

Still enjoying their health and independence...

Jenny's life was dramatically different:

Because she couldn't walk anymore, she used a wheelchair.

She needed assistance for the most basic things people take for granted:

  • Showering.
  • Making dinner.
  • Caring after her children.
  • Going on a walk on a sunny afternoon.

Due to financial constraints, Jenny still needed to work, but she didn't know how many months or years she had left before she wouldn't be able to support her family.

Desperate, she asked for help from the medical establishment.

But the help she got didn't really do much for her.

Her doctors diagnosed her with advanced Parkinson's disease from "unknown causes."

They didn't know WHY the disease struck her at such a young age...

They didn't know what she could do to reverse her condition or even slow down the progression...

Nor did they investigate further.

As it turns out, once doctors identify symptoms they have no answers for...

Patients are sent home with cookie-cutter prescription medicine...

Forgotten about...

Left alone to deal with the aftermath of their diagnosis.

But that's not how functional medicine doctors are dealing with diseases.

And especially not Dr. Villanueva, one of the 40 health experts you'll see in the 'Beyond the Brain' series.

Dr. Villanueva knew that Parkinson's disease, like most neurodegenerative diseases, has identifiable root causes and protocols for healing.

Knowing there was help available for Jenny, Dr. Villanueva took Jenny's case very seriously.

She first meticulously investigated potential root causes of her disease.

She was not surprised to find something all too common in many patients battling neurological and other chronic diseases:

Jenny had 10 chemical toxins in her blood, plus high levels of mold in her body

Jenny was immediately enrolled in a specific protocol designed to support her body's healing from the inside out.

And not long after, her brain and body started to recover.

Once confined to a wheelchair, Jenny gradually began to walk again.

At first, with a walker.

But soon enough, on her own two feet, without any assistance.

In a short time, doctors confirmed that...

By detoxing her body, renewing and retraining her neurological pathways and nurturing her brain...

Jenny had completely healed her “incurable” Parkinson's disease

Of course, Western medicine thinks this is impossible.

Cases like Jenny's are classified as “miracles”.

But as it turns out...

Jenny's recovery is not a miracle.

It's medicine at its forefront.

Her inability to walk was actually a symptom of her brain being strangled with poison.

Her disease had a root cause - and a safe protocol for healing.

The same root causes and healing protocols can be used to help people struggling with other conditions like depression, anxiety, memory problems, and neurodegenerative diseases.

In the “Beyond the Brain” series, you will hear many other stories of miraculous recoveries:

From brain fog and dementia, to multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, autism and much more.

But if these treatments are available to you, why haven't you learned about them sooner?

We all deserve top-level care... But how often do we receive it?

You can draw your own conclusion by checking out these statistics:

1 in 3 seniors

dies with a form of brain disease like Alzheimer's or dementia

21% Of Americans

of all ages experienced a brain-related disease in the past year, like dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, anxiety and other psychiatric conditions

1 in 3 people

in the US now report symptoms of depression and anxiety, a 30% increase since 2000

More often than not, people diagnosed with a chronic illness don't find the healing they so desperately need in their traditional doctor's office.

Until very recently, scientists didn't know that all these brain diseases were connected to toxins and a dysfunctional gut:
  • The gut provides the body with up to 95% of our "happy hormone" serotonin
  • A Harvard-published study shows that a gut-friendly diet significantly reduces the risk of dementia
  • Gut bacteria and common food toxins contribute to Alzheimer's disease
  • And more studies are pointing out the fact that our gut contributes to the development of neurodegenerative diseases, but also heart disease, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune issues and many other forms of dysfunction in the body

But even if the science is clear...

How many doctors are healing the gut and detoxing the body when patients are complaining about blood sugar, mood disorders, memory loss, brain fog or weight gain?

Not many.

It's becoming obvious that...

The medical establishment is failing us. But we can take back control over our health.

You see, Jenny's miraculous story is not unique:

Kim, another woman in her mid-40s, struggled with chronic exhaustion and depressive moods.

She was completely unable to enjoy life or parent her child. She was “faking” and “pushing” through life, terrified, feeling guilty and afraid.

After seeing one of our experts, her energy returned. With a big smile on her face, she confessed to her doctor, “I am back!”. Healed, Kim started to engage with life again, play with her son, and attend to her work and family life.

Linda came in with severe dementia.

Her ability to communicate had vanished. When doctors would ask her questions, she would initiate a reply but soon forget the question.

After intervention with one of our experts, in just 6 weeks, Linda started to recover, answering questions from her doctors and feeling better than she had in years.

All these healing stories teach us a valuable lesson:

Our brain is designed to heal.

Our body is designed to heal.

We can get back the energy we thought we had lost.

We can prevent depression and anxiety from ruining the best years of our lives.

We can prevent memory loss, Alzheimer's and dementia.

And we can even reverse diseases once they've started.

Under one condition: Helping our body heal, from the inside out.

So how exactly can we bring about healing in our brain and body?

Our healing starts with 3 simple but vital pillars.

We like to call them

“The Detox, Renew, Retrain” pillars of health:

1. Detox

Detox eliminates accumulated poison in our body and brain.

Instead of fighting with toxins, the body will start to regulate itself.

This kickstarts the healing and balancing of our gut, brain and body.

2. Renew

When our body is poisoned with toxins, chronically inflamed, and sick - our natural healing mechanisms are disrupted.

Our brain then stops getting the nutrients and neurotransmitters it needs from the gut. Our memory and mood starts to decline.

By fixing our gut, we renew our gut-brain connection and help heal our brain, memory and mood.

3. Retrain

The brain is neuroplastic.
This means it can be molded and shaped, even later in life. Our thoughts, emotions and memories are the byproducts of an elastic brain.

Thanks to a process called neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, we have the power to retrain our brain at any age.

This means people can get relief from both neurodegenerative and psychiatric illnesses.

And in fact,

One double-blind placebo-controlled trial published in Harvard Health found we can dramatically lower our dementia risk...

Even if dementia and Alzheimer's are running in our family.

You see, all these steps to healing are presented in our newest series “Beyond the Brain”

In "Beyond the Brain," we invite you to gain a deeper perspective on memory loss, neurogenetic diseases, ADHD, depression and anxiety, chronic disease and gut diseases.

A perspective that most traditional doctors never learn in medical school.

A perspective that's just currently being adopted at top medical schools like Harvard:

We investigate...

  • Why these debilitating diseases are so common...
  • How to prevent them in yourself and your loved ones...
  • And how to heal the symptoms once they start appearing.

We want you to feel confident that...

Your best life is ahead of you.

And you can enjoy every moment without feeling sick & sad every single day!

Together with my team, I've spent years figuring out how to gather the best healing protocols ever published on brain health.

Hi, I'm Stefan Apostolov - health coach and your host of the BEYOND THE BRAIN 9-Part Docuseries.


In my journey, I discovered there is a profound connection between the gut and the brain.

It all clicked when our experts talked about the importance of detoxing, renewing and retraining the gut and the brain for healing.

This profound connection is destroyed by modern pollutants, unhealthy foods, and a toxic modern environment.

But not all hope is lost.

As science and functional medicine have progressed, we have more control than ever before over our healing process.

I created "Beyond the Brain" because I want people just like you to discover the power to heal their bodies from within.

I want them to understand the profound link that lies in the gut.

So they can use their own "detox, renew and retrain" pillars at home...

No matter their socioeconomic status, where they are from, or how old they are.

And I made it my mission to do whatever it takes to share my knowledge and the knowledge of some of the best experts on this topic with people like you and me— people who might suffer in pain and silence in their daily lives.

And That's How "Beyond the Brain" Was Born

When I had the idea for this docuseries, I first wanted to interview some of the best experts on this topic.

So I hand-picked 40 functional medicine doctors, environmental specialists and health experts to share their knowledge and experience behind closed doors.

Some of these people work with celebrity patients, and others have reversed so-called “incurable” diseases like Parkinson's and dementia.

They care for their patients and have never stopped researching and learning.

So they decided to share their best secrets and latest breakthroughs, at no charge to you - nothing held back.

But revealing these little-known secrets was just the beginning

I knew my work didn't stop here.

I knew how easy and superficial most diagnoses are.

How often people are being prescribed dangerous pills that only mask the symptoms...

Opening the doors for more dysfunction.

I saw that doctors who are just following the mainstream narrative are simply diagnosing diseases as incurable...

When the true diagnosis should, in fact, be...

“We don't really know...”

Seeing how taboo these topics were in the medical community...

How reserved this powerful information was for the affluent...

I wanted to create a place where people could have easy and affordable access to the secrets of ancient medicine as well as the latest medical breakthroughs.

I decided to disrupt the system and create something that's never been done before...

Something that gives you, dear reader, access to the exact same information, tips, and advice that used to only be available to a select few.

I want this for you as much as you want this for yourself.

That Is Why I Created Your Brain Health Oasis.

Limited-time Offer: Join Zonia Today to Get On-Demand Access to All 9 Episodes

Zonia is a video-streaming platform that provides engaging, educational, and action-based short video content which helps you detox, renew and retrain your body and brain.

Imagine that instead of spending YEARS trying to discover these tools on your own...

Thousands of dollars on methods that may or may not work for you...

Going to countless doctors that might not even be interested in the true cause of your illness...

You now have all the tools at your disposal and a clear roadmap to heal.

These tools are backed up by science, thousands of hours of clinical experience and patient case studies by our functional medicine doctors, health experts and ancient medical knowledge.

You get access to all these tools... Without:

the thousand-dollar price tag.
waiting months for an appointment.
feeling like you're just a number in a statistic.

Knowing you can live your best life by simply applying the “Detox, Renew, Retrain” method in your life...

Would you give it a try?

I bet so!

Imagine, for a second, you could have a perfectly healthy brain and body.

How would you feel every day and what would you do?

Maybe you would...

  • Get back control over your body, knowing you now can heal and “rewire” your body to great health
  • Enjoy every minute and every day without crippling fatigue, disturbing anxiety or depressive thoughts... And develop resiliency to deal with everything life throws at you...
  • Reduce or even eliminate drugs with side effects...
  • Say goodbye to sleepless nights anxiously waiting for a diagnosis for you or a family member, not knowing what the future holds

And even start living life more fully, like:

  • Impressing your family and friends with trivia and stories from a long time ago...
  • Learning a new language or starting a new hobby
  • Exercising or traveling to new countries because now you finally have the energy to stick to an active lifestyle
  • Saying goodbye to unnecessary medications and instead “training” your brain and mind how to be happy, content and calm

Ready to take the first step to transforming your health?

Get Instant Access to "Beyond the Brain" and Discover The Detox, Renew and Retrain Method

PLUS 1,500+ Bitesize Health Videos AND the "Immune for Life," "Toxin Free," "Ageless" and "Unbroken" Docuseries,

All Designed to Help You Heal and Start Living Your Best Life

As low as $10/month. Cancel Anytime Online with 1 click.
Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad money-back guarantee.

You might think... All this sounds amazing... But I feel too old or too sick to hope for the best

Jenny, Kim, Linda and all the other patients whose stories you will hear on the documentary were normal people who achieved “impossible” things.

If they could, why do you think you can't?

And, more importantly, why wouldn't you try to get the best possible outcome for your life and for your future?

Because once you know what's really possible for your body...

You would never settle for a life plagued with symptoms ever again.

Because... here's the thing:

No matter how bad your symptoms are, or where you are in your life and healing journey...

Zonia is like having a

Holistic Practitioner
Personal Trainer
Self-Development Coach

with you 24/7 with one tap of a button.

It's your Brain Health Oasis providing engaging, informative, and entertaining short video content created by top medical doctors and certified health experts...

All aimed at helping you keep your brain, emotions and gut in vibrant health.

Instead of spending hours at the gym
Get 5-15-minute workouts you can do at home, even if you haven't exercised in years
Instead of wasting hours browsing healthy recipes online
Get healing recipes designed by our nutritionists so you nourish your brain and your gut while enjoying delicious foods
Instead of relying on addictive sleeping pills
Listen to science-backed sleep-promoting audio stories that relax your brain and help you dive into restful and restorative sleep
And instead of letting anxiety, low moods and depression ruin beautiful moments
Develop your self-therapy practice using our guided meditation and breathing exercises

Zonia is packed with over 1,500+ short videos that we call HEALTH BITES, including cooking shows, Yoga, Pilates & HIIT workouts, guided meditation, hypnotherapy, and sleep stories... and much more.

Here's How Zonia Can Help You Detox, Renew and Retrain Your Brain:

Cook Your Way to Solid Digestion and a Happy Brain:
Cook Your Way to Solid Digestion and a Happy Brain:

If you're anything like most people who want to kickstart the regeneration process and have a strong and healthy body...

You might find yourself struggling to figure out a way to create delicious, healthy dishes. If that's the case, we've got great news for you!

When you join Zonia, you will get access to dozens of yummy, healthy recipes and instructional videos that the entire family will love! What's more? These recipes will help your body naturally overcome deficiencies, eliminate toxins, nourish the gut and reboot your brain.

Additionally, you will also discover essential disease prevention methods, detoxification protocols and longevity techniques and recipes that our doctors exclusively shared with Zonia to help protect your body and brain long-term.

Find Your Deep, Healing Calm and Get Regenerative Sleep:
Find Your Deep, Healing Calm and Get Regenerative Sleep:

Sleep is one of the most important tools for healing your brain.

This is why we strongly recommend that you try Zonia's guided meditation, hypnotherapy and storytelling audio sessions that are scientifically proven to help you reduce anxiety and sleep better so that your body and mind can heal and regenerate naturally from within.

These techniques have been proven to work countless times for our members... even for those who've tried everything before and nothing worked.

Ever struggled managing stress or creating a solid night time routine? We've got you.

Zonia will help you break those bad habits that are standing in your way to peaceful days and restful nights. So you can achieve equilibrium in adopting new healthy habits and making positive health decisions that will come naturally to you.

You'll be able to protect your health and your DNA from stress by discovering crucial stress management techniques like meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises and positive affirmations developed by our health coaches.

Healing Movement for Your Body
Healing Movement for Your Body

Skip the gym! Instead, move your body at home... or anywhere! Your body needs to be active, and when your body is healthy and active, it promotes multiple healing and brain-boosting processes!

Even if you've never worked out a day in your life, Zonia can take you through an amazing path that lets you discover some of the most beneficial, simple, yet effective workouts, from Yoga to Pilates, strength training and HIIT, dance and other energy-boosting workouts!

And more!

You can do all of these things to improve your quality of life and achieve the ultimate health freedom. It doesn't matter where you are right now, how well you're eating, or how much you're exercising...

By saying 'yes', you've won half the battle against chronic disease!

These aren't your typical boring “workout ” videos. These contain exciting routines and therapeutic movements to rejuvenate the gut and the brain from the inside out...

So you can get a happy, calm mind, positive thoughts, and an amazing memory.

Take a look for yourself.

Functional Medicine

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Functional Medicine

autoimmune diseases balancing hormones cancer 360 your brain taming inflammation

Latest Nutrition &
Lifestyle Shows

breaking bad habits disease prevention and longevity nutrition for healthy and fit body optimizing performance slow down aging dont be fooled people brain health gut health

Latest yoga, exercise &
dance Shows

pilates for a sculpted body the basics of calisthenics kettlebell strength training my baby and me tone up lean out therapeutic yoga yoga inspired workouts flowing mindfully yoga pose tutorials

Latest cooking &
talk Shows

therapeutic cooking quick simple tasty life beyond the struggle

Latest Meditation, Hypnotherapy &
Storytelling Shows

guided meditation spiritual growth storytelling to beat anxiety life stories from my grandpa guided hypnotherapy

Latest motivation &
stress management Shows

become your best self from stress to bliss unleash your inner power upward bound living extraordinary life

Get Instant Access to "Beyond the Brain" and Discover The Detox, Renew and Retrain Method

PLUS 1,500+ Health Bitesize Life-Transforming Videos AND the "Immune for Life," "Toxin Free," "Ageless" and "Unbroken" Docuseries,

All Designed to Help You Detox, Renew and Retrain Your Brain and Body Naturally

As low as $10/month. Cancel Anytime Online with 1 click.
Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad money-back guarantee.

Inside Zonia, you'll also get access to other groundbreaking docuseries, such as:

The viral "Ageless" docuseries:

Meet 50 world-renowned medical doctors and longevity experts who share secret protocols and actionable steps for anyone who wants to live a longer, healthier life. This very successful docuseries will equip you with innovative ways to preserve energy and strength, cognitive function, and overall health for future decades, while debunking common myths and revealing the truth about longevity.

The vital "Immune for Life" documentary series:

Discover how to boost your immune system to prevent chronic diseases and promote longevity.

Watch it at your own pace, and see 35 functional medicine experts share the science-backed ways to bulletproof your health, immunity, and prevent diseases like cancer, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases.

The eye-opening "Toxin Free" docuseries:

Listen to 33 leading naturopathic and environmental medicine doctors and health experts that reveal powerful information about how to overcome our toxic overload.

With each episode, you will learn how to take action to restore your body's detoxification mechanisms - and also heal our planet.

Zonia Can Give You the Tools to Reverse Brain Fog, Memory Loss, Depression and Anxiety, and Make You Look & Feel the Best You Have in Years...

Starting Right Now:

  • Welcome the best decades of your life without fear: You'll hold the keys to reversing chronic conditions and keeping your gut and brain healthy and strong.
  • Finally start your own transformation journey: Our experts will show you exactly what to do: Balance your gut, fight against depression and anxiety, nourish your brain, sleep peacefully and keep on thriving!
  • Apply the most important detox, renew and retrain secrets from over 150 doctors and health experts. Now you can start your transformation journey without spending thousands of dollars on expensive treatments, invasive procedures or cosmetic therapies. Zonia lays out for you the best science-backed tips.
  • Get daily inspiration in just 5 to 7 minutes, whenever and wherever you want, on the topic of your choice. Zonia is available to you 24/7, on any device.
  • Simply learn the foundations with expert guidance, so you can continue to practice these brain and gut secrets for the rest of your life.
  • Learn how to become stress-free, depression-free, insomnia-free and how to bring back the energy and spark to everyday life.
  • Only spend less than 50 cents per day for total body transformation - and cancel anytime with one click!

You can do all of these things and build your own Brain Health Oasis and change yourself for the better. It doesn't matter where you are right now, how well you're eating, how much you're exercising...

By saying 'yes', you've won half the battle against brain disease.

Get Instant Access to "Beyond the Brain" and Discover The Detox, Renew and Retrain Method

PLUS 1,500+ Health Bitesize Life-Transforming Videos AND the "Immune for Life," "Toxin Free," "Ageless" and "Unbroken" Docuseries,

All Designed to Help You Detox, Renew and Retrain Your Brain and Body Naturally

As low as $10/month. Cancel Anytime Online with 1 click.
Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad money-back guarantee.
Brian Vaszily
Author and Longevity Expert

'BEYOND THE BRAIN,' by the team at Zonia, introduces a whole new perspective on brain health and its connection to other organs that you deserve to know about. In this eye-opening series, world-renowned experts from integrative and functional medicine reveal cutting-edge treatments and habits -- plus their personal protocols backed by latest research -- against brain decline, memory loss, depression, and other chronic diseases that are on the rise. And the Zonia video streaming platform takes things to another level because it provides 'bite-sized' videos with specific actions that enable anyone to turn their lives around! It builds upon the 'Beyond the Brain' series to deliver daily actionable steps. The information on Zonia is mind-blowing, empowering and truly transformational! I cannot recommend it enough to anyone struggling with a condition or disease. Your life will be different after joining Zonia.

Zonia Health Bites are fun, value-packed, and action-inspiring.

When you watch these 5-7-minute videos, you'll discover the exact secrets to detox, renew and retrain your body, which will open new health horizons for you.
These videos also show you how you can put in practice and reap the benefits of all these tips without spending a fortune.

Plus, they are short, easy to digest, and simple to follow.

This means you can start activating your journey 5 minutes at a time.

However... I have to be honest with you.

Even though I know how powerful what you're about to discover in Zonia is...

I also knew that to reap the most benefits with BEYOND THE BRAIN, just like with most things in life...

You have to use these methods on a regular basis.

The good news is that you can do that while brushing your teeth, driving your kids to school or baseball practice, grocery shopping, or even when cleaning or cooking.

So, while yes, you will have to take some action towards your wellbeing...

You don't have to spend endless hours doing so.

So even if you have the motivation of a sloth, you can still take small steps towards healing that will bring you major results.

That's how I have designed Zonia...

I've condensed ALL these secrets into small bite-sized chunks of video information - what we call 'HEALTH BITES'.

And today, you have a unique opportunity to access these powerful, innovative, secret health bites at your fingertips.



Here's something else you must know about joining Zonia.

See, when you join Zonia, you don't just join yet another video streaming platform.

Zonia is a community-first platform.

Our mission is to help millions of people just like you get access to what used to only be accessible to a few...

So that you and millions of people have a chance to live the life they deserve. A life filled with joy, laughter, adventures, and great memories...

That's why, when you join Zonia, you instantly give someone else the gift of hope and opportunity.

Let me explain... we don't make a dime out of memberships.

Instead, we put all our efforts and resources into spreading the word and putting our "Beyond the Brain" docuseries in front of as many people as possible.

That is why I invite you to join Zonia and JOIN THE REVOLUTION.


Because I believe in both Zonia and the “Beyond the Brain” docuseries so much...

I know it will be an absolutely life-changing experience for you.

I wanted to ensure you have more time to watch and rewatch this series.

So, even though I only planned to stream “Beyond the Brain” LIVE during these 9 episodes, I decided to add this docuseries to Zonia.

This means if you join Zonia today, you can have on-demand access to ALL the 1,500+ health bites, as well as all 9 episodes of "Beyond the Brain", not just for those few days but for as long as you want.

And you can do this for less than 50 cents a day.

That's right.

You can access the unique pillars of Detox, Renew and Retrain and start building your very own
Brain Health Oasis... for as low as $10/month.

But that's only if you join Zonia during this free screening of the series ONLY that ends on March 6th, 2025.

Get Instant Access to "Beyond the Brain" and Discover The Detox, Renew and Retrain Method

PLUS 1,500+ Health Bitesize Life-Transforming Videos AND the "Immune for Life," "Toxin Free," "Ageless" and "Unbroken" Docuseries,

All Designed to Help You Detox, Renew and Retrain Your Brain and Body Naturally

As low as $10/month. Cancel Anytime Online with 1 click.
Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad money-back guarantee.
Jason Prall
Longevity & Optimal Health Practitioner

BEYOND THE BRAIN is a must-see for anybody who wants to maintain, and even optimize, their brain health for decades to come. The groundbreaking information provided in this docuseries will open your eyes to the potential healing power of your own body. Thanks to the 40 world-class experts featured, each episode offers invaluable insight into treating, preventing, and even reversing a wide range of health conditions – everything from brain fog to dementia to autoimmunity and even depression. Zonia’s amazing platform opens the door to truly innovative and insightful health information. My favorite are the short, easy-to-watch videos, all of which are packed with actionable steps I can take to start changing my life and improving my health and longevity today. I highly recommend it!

Once You Join Our Zonia Community, You'll Discover the Exact Secrets of How to Implement the Detox, Renew and Retrain Pillars So You Can Finally:

  • Enjoy amazing digestion without the pain, bloat, constipation and irregularity
  • Protect your body against common toxins and pathogens which put you at risk for debilitating conditions
  • Learn how to naturally relieve depression and anxiety so you can start your days feeling positive and ready to conquer the world
  • Overcome insomnia and sleep disturbances and get the deep sleep that leaves you energized and refreshed
  • Feel physically liberated by following the simplest and easiest workouts in the comfort of your home
  • Discover how to tap into an endless source of energy so you can enjoy the best this life has to offer
  • Get rid of brain fog so you can focus on any task at work
  • Wake up each day excited for the day ahead knowing you're in full control of your health and quality of life
  • Have a clear roadmap to protecting your and your family's health

And many, many more. You can have all of this, as soon as you get access to Zonia.

Just imagine how it would feel when the giant boulder of constant worry, exhaustion, and pain is lifted off your shoulders...

And we're going to help you do that.

In fact, when you become a Zonia member today, you'll have on-demand access to our 9-part "Beyond the Brain" docuseries.

Where We Share With You the Secrets of Brain & Gut Healing, As Well As:

  • Why your gut can release toxins in the brain, and the secret link between your gut and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
  • Fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, and food sensitivities? These symptoms might mean “nothing” to your doctor but should concern YOU. What do do ASAP if you notice symptoms
  • The #1 disease-causing toxin in the US: make sure you are not among its victims
  • How to check your toxic burden with a few simple tests: Best urine and blood tests to uncover the root causes of your disease
  • “Bodies don't break for no reason”: Why 99% of people with a chronic disease have at least 3 toxins in their body
  • Overextended, overburdened, overscheduled: How to reclaim your health in a culture that reinforces constant productivity and achievement at all costs
  • Heal chronic fatigue once and for all: From four root causes to complete recovery
  • "We can get reversal of dementia most of the time": A step-by-step blueprint our experts use to to "grow back" their patients' brain cells
  • How to "force" your brain to kickstart the production of self-healing compounds in less than 24 hours
  • Brick walls for the brain: The most important brain supplements to incorporate in your diet now How to stop the rusting and the aging of your brain: One natural supplement that decreases brain age by up to 14 years
  • A doctor's path to self-healing: our expert's journey on clearing depression and reclaiming joy using a serotonin-boosting natural compound
  • The gold-standard therapeutic technique to stop negative thinking - and an incredibly powerful tool that can "erase" trauma from your brain
  • What's called "the second force of the universe" - and is FDA approved to treat resistant depression. It stimulates tissue energy, decreases inflammation and increases circulation in the brain
  • A revolutionary device significantly improves sleep quality, memory and cognitive function

This means you won't have to wait for each episode to premiere on certain days and times.

So you won't miss the opportunity to uncover these secrets because you have a work meeting...

Maybe you have to pick up the kids from school...

Or you have some other commitments you planned a long time ago.

Instead, when you join Zonia today, you'll be able to access each episode on your own time, whenever it's convenient for you.

Plus, you can come back to it over and over again whenever you want to.

And the thing is...

While we are so grateful to have made the 'Beyond the Brain' series available to the public for free...

You only have 24 hours to watch each episode before they are gone.

Now, we know this breakthrough information has helped thousands of people already.

And it can, without a doubt, help you and your loved ones.

That's why we made this documentary series part of the Zonia streaming platform.

We don't want you to miss out on the opportunity to uncover the secrets to brain health...

As well as the recent breakthroughs in science and natural medicine.

That's why even though each episode you watch for free will expire in 24 hours after airing...

When you support our mission to spread this life-saving information with the world by becoming a member of Zonia today, you'll get instant on-demand access to all 9 episodes...

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What You Will Find in Each Episode of This Unique 9-Part Docuseries Beyond the Brain
The Silent Assault on Our Brain: Are We Doomed to a Mass Brain Meltdown?
  • The link between everyday foods and brain disease, multiple sclerosis, autism and Parkinson's: What corporations don't want you to know
  • Doctors warn: There's an epidemic of brain dysfunction in the world starting as early as in our 40s
  • Suffering from poor memory, hazy thoughts, depression and anxiety? See why these might be symptoms of toxin overload
  • Dementia is incurable, right? Wrong! See how functional medicine doctors are reversing dementia in their practice, and why traditional doctors don't tell you this
  • Is it normal to have memory problems as you age? Not at all. In fact, there's something else happening in your body
  • Warning: See why 2 servings of store-bought pastries or fast food per week can DOUBLE your chances for anxiety and depression - and why kids who eat candy have a higher risk of getting arrested in adulthood
  • Feeling “meh”? How food might block your ability to feel happy and full of life ... Plus the dangerous “hamster wheel” most Americans are into
  • Why your gut can release toxins in the brain, and the secret link between your gut and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
  • Can anxiety, depression, OCD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder actually be another disease caused by your food?
  • The root cause of rheumatoid arthritis and brain dysfunction: Fix this before you do anything else

“We have seen an incredible and alarming increase in the rise of every single chronic and neurodegenerative disease across the board over the last 50 to 60 years.”

Dr. Elena Villanueva
DC, MHHCP, Doctor of Holistic Medicine
Household Under Siege: The Hidden Toxic Sources of Your Pain, Fatigue & Brain Fog
  • Is your home toxic? See where mold and other toxins may be hiding in plain sight and what to do if your home is contaminated
  • Discover how to properly test for environmental toxins and how to safely eliminate them, one by one
  • Do you have an “environmentally acquired illness”? How chronic inflammation can cause disease in the body
  • Is mold exposure a HUGE cause of suicide and depression in the US? See proof from our experts
  • Can bottled water damage the IQ of developing brains? Experts weigh in and give you healthier water options
  • Watch out: These 2 common heavy metals could be hijacking your brain and your emotions every single day
  • Discover the connection between leaky gut and autoimmune disease PLUS the most effective detox solutions to recover from inflammation
  • The most critical antioxidant you can use to detox the liver and fight against free radicals
  • Big Food's secrets exposed: shocking truths about the pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics in everyday food staples
  • The ancestral secrets to perfect gut health found in the highlands of Papua New Guinea
  • This “flamethrower” ingredient damages your brain and your cells. It's found in all packaged, processed foods. Plus, a guide to detox

“It's everywhere, it's in people's households. We've all been exposed to it, we constantly get re-exposed to it.”

Kiran Krishnan
Research Microbiologist, Human Microbiome Expert
The Wildfire in Your Brain: #1 Cause of Brain & Mental Health Deterioration (and How to Reclaim Your Health)
  • Could memory loss, ADHD, developmental issues and brain diseases have the same root cause? Our experts connect the dots traditional doctors are missing
  • Three major ways in which toxins change your nervous system and how to reverse the damage
  • Could a traumatic childhood predispose you to the early onset of dementia?
  • Why fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain are intimately connected, and how to repair the root cause
  • The #1 root cause of all brain diseases finally uncovered: Alzheimer's, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorders. Plus: the roadmap to protect yourself
  • Toxic toothpaste: See how certain brands can affect our brain, by disrupting our endocrine system
  • One missing mineral causes hypothyroidism, and why traditional doctors don't check for this
  • One hidden toxin that's contributing to major diseases found in most US households. Warning: It can cause muscle and nerve damage
  • Why people who have issues with their sinuses are more at risk for developing allergies and dementia and the #1 advice for healthy sinuses
  • Which heavy metal causes Parkinson's symptoms and leads to misdiagnosis
  • Is bread healthy? See how to know if you're gluten sensitive, and what to know about gluten even if you're perfectly fine after eating bread and pastries

"Oftentimes, you get this miscellaneous variety of symptoms that you don't really understand that are causing neurological problems."

Dr. Darin Ingels
ND, FAAEM Fellow, American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Sick Gut, Sick Brain: Overcoming the Origin of All Disease
  • The many faces of a troubled gut: Discover how your gut impacts chronic disease, fertility, thyroid function and hormones
  • Key to reversing depression: Why 70% - 90% of your “happy hormone” is made in your gut
  • Are OCD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia created in the gut? And can bloating be a precursor to an autoimmune condition?
  • The secret to why some family members are always healthy while everybody else keeps getting sick
  • The devastating truth about water quality in the US, and why 75% of tap water can give you a leaky gut in 15 minutes
  • Fatty liver: Why 25% of Americans have it and the root cause doctors don't talk about
  • Why you should stop using mouthwash immediately - plus the top 5 tips to ensure perfectly clean and healthy mouth and gut
  • Harvard declares 'all diseases begin in the gut', but traditional medicine still needs to catch up
  • Get tested in 5 minutes to protect yourself against this gut bacteria which destroys your microbiome, promotes cancer and inflammation. One in two people have it!
  • Do you have food sensitivities? Fix this one root cause and watch those food sensitivities go away
  • Why 80% of women after 40 have toxic, sluggish bile, and the link between a sick bile and osteoporosis
  • The #1 gut-healing nutrient you can find everywhere at a decent price (and which specific form you need)

“All disease begins in the gut. When the gut is inflamed, nothing functions the way it's supposed to.”

Dr. Tom O'Bryan
DC, CCN, DACBN, CIFM Faculty, Institute for Functional Medicine
Toxin Detectives: The Tests That Will Uncover the Root Cause and Save Your Brain & Life
  • Unlock the #1 rule to detox your body, according to a toxicology expert
  • Top 3 toxin groups that lead to autoimmunity and how to get properly tested
  • Discover the ultimate blood tests that reveal the hidden toxins in your body — and a popular test method you must avoid
  • Tired and gaining weight? It's not your fault: How to target the toxic root cause of weight gain and chronic fatigue
  • If I have normal blood tests, am I healthy? Not necessarily: Why trusting the “normal range” values could be sabotaging your health, according to doctors.
  • The generational curse of a 1930s chemical: Unveil how this cancer-causing agent from the past is haunting the present generations and how you can break free from its chain
  • The hormone disruptor in our water: Discover a startling substance in your water supply you should avoid
  • Where to get the specialized test that can reveal if harmful toxins are clinging to your DNA; PLUS: Three different tests to see if you have heavy metals
  • “Bodies don't break for no reason”: Why 99% of people with a chronic disease have at least 3 toxins in their body
  • The unexpected link between Parkinson's and disinfectants: A doctor reverses his Parkinson's diagnosis by getting rid of two dangerous chemicals
  • One neurotransmitter that can “fry out” your brain, and how it's known to increase to dangerous levels after exposure to toxins
  • Provocation-Neutralization technique to diagnose and treat individuals with sensitivities and intolerances

“So when you're told that your labs are normal, it definitely does not mean you're healthy. It means you're like nine out of ten people.”

Dr. M. Yvonne Karney
MD, ABAARM, FACOG, Board-Certified Regenerative Medicine & Gynecology
Emotional Detox: How To Let Go of Stress and Negative Emotions and Find Your Joy and Freedom
  • The three toxic emotions that ruin our body—and what can we learn from a surge in heart attacks which started in the 60's
  • Understanding the deep ties between stress, aggression, fear, and bodily inflammation and how to unlock the secrets to untangle this destructive cycle
  • Ancient Chinese Medicine Secrets: How every emotion affects different organs, and how to use these insights to protect your mind and body
  • Why emotional trauma resembles a brain injury in brain scans
  • Undiagnosed root causes: Why most doctors overlook trauma, but how understanding your “big” and “small” traumas can be a game-changer in your personal health journey
  • Overextended, overburdened, overscheduled: How to reclaim your health in a culture that reinforces constant productivity and achievement at all costs
  • Doctors share the #1 sign of emerging emotional problems: How to stay one step ahead of anxiety and depression
  • Can stress and negative emotions be the most dangerous toxins of all? Learn how to cope with difficult feelings and stressors in a healthy way
  • The easiest, simplest way to start exercising more... Plus the Japanese principle that can make any habit stick for life
  • What happens when you lose the ultimate ‘weapon’ of your mind? And how to reclaim it – revealed by a Buddhist teacher
  • How to go from reactive to proactive: Steps to reclaim your freedom from anything that's happening around you and a simple breathing exercise to get you off fight or flight response
  • The innovative 5-step blueprint that is your golden key to improved health and happiness

“The most important factor in our health is our consciousness”

Dr. Thomas Alexander
MD, Internal Medicine, Researcher on The Role of Consciousness in Health
Complex Brain Diseases: Blueprints for Reversing Brain Fog, Chronic Fatigue and Dementia
  • Throw the painkillers away and ease up migraines and headaches with this amazing natural therapy
  • Is it allergy, or is it mast cell activation? These symptoms may lead you to the root cause of your allergies
  • Is it a mental health issue or a toxicity issue? Experts weigh in on disturbing infections linked to depression and anxiety
  • “A huge gift for your brain”: How to help prevent memory loss, brain disorder and mood disorders if you're a woman over 40
  • Are you a woman over 35? Check a specific hormone that might cause anxiety, insomnia and depression
  • Heal chronic fatigue once and for all: From four root causes to complete recovery
  • A case for reversing dementia: what we've learned in the past 40 years about how the brain can heal itself
  • One diet change that could heal your brain from brain fog, memory loss and cognitive decline
  • Memory loss or sleep apnea? Here's how you might be unknowingly damaging your brain during sleep
  • Discover Linda's emotional story: From severe dementia to getting her life back in a matter of weeks
  • The two steps that foster miraculous healing that traditional medicine thinks are impossible
  • Learn about STAINES framework for detecting the root cause and 3D-3M-3S protocol for healing and reversing brain decline
  • Why 1 in 2 Americans will have symptoms of brain disease by 2050 and what we can do now to prevent our brains from declining

“Our bodies are designed to heal. It’s just a matter of getting the junk out of the way and the right support in. And it has been miraculous.”

Dr. Heather Sandison
Naturopathic Doctor
Superfoods and Superhabits: How to Kickstart Brain & Body Healing in Less Than 24 Hours
  • The most important secret to avoiding pesticides, antibiotics and other chemicals in your food
  • How to “force” your brain to kickstart the production of self-healing compounds in less than 24 hours
  • How to give yourself new brain cells on command: This simple habit prevents disease and creates more brain cells
  • The master antioxidant: It repairs the whole body and expels toxins from your system
  • The real dangers behind our smartphone use: Could bluelight hinder your ability to heal?
  • Is your home an electrical “prison”? Learn how one simple effective change in your household can enable deep sleep
  • Do you suffer from “toxic hunger”? Here's why most people eat when they're not hungry, and simple steps to ditch the habit
  • One crucial detox food you need to eat daily with your lunch and dinner, plus the tasty veggies that heal the gut
  • Why America uses more chemicals than every other country in the world, including dangerous ones that are banned in the EU and Canada
  • The best prebiotic dessert on the planet takes just a few minutes to prepare, and you will love it
  • Brick walls for the brain: The most important brain supplements to incorporate in your diet now
  • One supplement that can reduce brain injury with up to 75%, and the “master antioxidant” that can decrease brain damage up to 70%
  • The miracle compound for healthy muscles and energy production: How one doctor healed his muscle disease with one daily tablet of it

“If we switch to organic food and avoid pesticides, the pesticides are gone from our body within a couple of days, a week at the most.”

Dr. Kelly McCann
MD, MPH&TM, IFMCP, Board Certified Internal Medicine, Pediatrics & Integrative Medicine
Healed Against All Odds: Cutting-Edge Therapies and Miraculous Cases
  • Discover the gold-standard therapy technique to stop negative thinking - and an incredibly powerful tool that can “erase” trauma from your brain
  • Multiple layers of healing: Game-changing peptide therapies are taking the world by storm and supporting muscle, gut and brain health
  • How light therapy is science-backed to reduce mortality, increase wellbeing and relax the body while getting rid of toxins
  • Expert-vetted therapies that bring balance and healing to the brain and body— plus the three “fertilizers” of your brain cells
  • Discover the quickest, simplest ways to detoxify your body using inexpensive minerals and a crucial ingredient that guarantees the proper expulsion of toxins.
  • The “Nobel-prize” winning natural drink that helps heal and soothe your gut lining, feeding your microbiota
  • It's called “the second force of the universe” - and the FDA approved it to treat resistant depression. It stimulates tissue energy, decrease inflammation and increase circulation in the brain
  • Discover a 100-years old method that originally treated scuba-divers and is now a popular solution to numerous brain ailments
  • Plant medicine: Two amazing stories of patients using Ayahuasca and Psilocybin mushrooms to overcome depression and obesity
  • Hear the emotional story of a patient who healed her debilitating Parkinson's disease that started in her 40s, and the progress she's made using natural therapies - now completely healed
  • Discover more heartwarming Tales of Recovery from 'Incurable' Diseases using cutting edge interventions

“Neurofeedback is incredibly powerful because it helps you see in real time your brain function.”

Dr. Jill Carnahan
MD, ABIHM, ABoIM, IFMCP, Medical Director, Flatiron Functional Medicine
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However - You Need to HURRY UP


The 'Beyond the Brain' docuseries only runs for a limited time - and so does our Zonia Promotion.

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Get Instant On-Demand Access to the Entire Docuseries "Beyond the Brain" and Learn How to Detox, Renew and Retrain Your Body & Your Brain

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But more importantly, finally feel a sense of relief rush over you because you're finally in control.

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  • A clear and focused mind
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But you can finally regain full control of your health and aging and relieve the fear that your destiny is set in stone.

Get Instant Access to "Beyond the Brain" and Discover The Detox, Renew and Retrain Method

PLUS 1,500+ Health Bitesize Life-Transforming Videos AND the "Immune for Life," "Toxin Free," "Ageless" and "Unbroken" Docuseries,

All Designed to Help You Detox, Renew and Retrain Your Brain and Body Naturally

As low as $10/month. Cancel Anytime Online with 1 click.
Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad money-back guarantee.

And remember: Your purchase today is protected by our 7-day ironclad guarantee. If, for whatever reason, you decide you're not 100% satisfied with all the knowledge and confidence you get from being a member of Zonia...

You have 7 days to request a full refund of your investment.

And I will be more than happy to send you every penny back, with no questions asked.

So, as you can see, with this risk-free guarantee, you have nothing to lose.

But you can finally regain full control of your health and relieve the fear that your destiny is set in stone.

The choice is yours.

And this choice can either free you of the burden of disease and allow you to live a life free of pain and suffering...

Or keep you stuck, ill, and miserable.

Now is the time to act and create positive outcomes for you and your family, and I hope you make this choice.

Thank you for reading and I hope you and your family live a life full of happiness and harmony.

To your health,

Stefan Apostolov
Founder of Zonia and Host of "Beyond the Brain"

Meet Our 40 World-Renowned Medical Doctors and Brain Health Experts Featured in Beyond the Brain
Joel Fuhrman, MD
7-time NY Times Bestselling Author, President of Nutritional Research Foundation
Jill Carnahan, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM, IFMCP
Medical Director, Flatiron Functional Medicine
Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS
Founder of Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute (PLMI)
Faculty, Institute for Functional Medicine
Laura Frontiero, NP-BC
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Jaquel Patterson, ND, MBA
Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Past President of American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Austin Perlmutter, MD, ABIM
Board-Certified Internal Medicine, New York Times Bestselling Author
Diplomat of the American Board of Environmental Medicine, Diplomat of ABOIM
Barry Smeltzer, MPAS, PA-C, FAAEM
Adj. Professor, Univ. of Texas Health Sciences, Fellow of AAEM
Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS
Clinical Professor, Dep of Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda University
Robert Silverman, DC, MS, DCBCN
Doctor of Chiropractic
Heather Sandison, ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Cheng Ruan, MD
Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician
Trina Felber, RN, BSN, MSN, CRNA
Natural Oral & Skincare Wellness Expert
Kiran Krishnan
Research Microbiologist, Human Microbiome Expert
M. Yvonne Karney, MD, ABAARM, FACOG
Board-Certified Regenerative Medicine & Gynecology
Robin A. Bernhoft, MD, FACS, DABEM FAAEM
Environmental Medicine Expert
Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC
Chronic Digestive Disorder Specialist
Thomas Alexander, MD
Internal Medicine, Researcher on The Role of Consciousness in Health
Amelia Scott Barrett, MD
Neurologist and Founder of Migraine Relief Code
Paul Barattiero, CHS, CNHP
Expert in Molecular Hydrogen and EMF Exposure
Irene Cop, MD, DC
Elite Performance Trainer, Founder of the Success S.H.I.F.T. Institute
Frederick 'Tim' Guilford, MD
Integrative Medicine Clinician and Researcher, Liposomal Glutathione Expert
Lisa Lavine Nagy, MD, FAAEM
Medical Director of the Environmental Health Center of Martha's Vineyard
Kelly McCann, MD, MPH&TM, IFMCP
Board Certified Internal Medicine, Pediatrics & Integrative Medicine
Kalpana Patel, MD
Elena Villanueva, DC, MHHCP
Doctor of Holistic Medicine
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
PEMF Therapy Expert
Keesha Ewers, ARNP, PhD
Emotional Trauma Specialist
Wendie Trubow, MD, MBA
Functional Medicine Gynecologist
Andrew W. Campbell, MD
Clinical Immunology and Toxicology
LeTrinh Hoang, DO
Osteopathic Pediatrician
Sharon Stills, NMD
Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Christopher Shade, PhD
Environmental Scientist
Wendy Myers, ND
Naturopathic Doctor and Expert in Detoxification
Rajka Milanovic Galbraith, MD, IFMCP
Board-Certified Functional & Integrative Medicine Doctor
Darin Ingels, ND, FAAEM
Fellow, American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Lisa Saff Koche, MD, ABAARM
Triple Board-Certified in Internal Medicine, Bariatrics, and Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
Lyn Patrick ND
Naturopathic Physician,Environmental Medicine & Metal Toxicology Expert
Master Acharavadee Wongsakon
Meditation Master, President of the Knowing Buddha Foundation
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we can empower 100 million people by 2025 to improve their health (body and mind).

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the obesity epidemic is reversible, and we see evidence of this around the world as people become more educated and informed about the food choices they make each day.

the Food and Drug industries are not 100% truthful, and not out for your best and highest good and we believe that the sooner we all speak this truth, the better our future becomes.

mutual encouragement and team motivation within a positive community greatly surpasses the results of trying to do it alone.

the body is designed by nature to feel full, and healthy, not to suffer through continuous deprivation and starvation.

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while each individual body has different nutritional requirements, some basic health and nutrition principles apply to everyone.

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