
Join The Health Revolution

Share our docuseries with your friends and family via email or social media. Whenever someone uses your link to register to watch ‘Immune for Life’ for FREE, you get 1 point! The more points you get, the more life-changing products listed below you will unlock.


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20 Mushrooms and Herbs to Improve Memory and Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer’s

20 Mushrooms and Herbs to Improve Memory and Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Your brain will deteriorate as you age; that’s just a fact of life. Stress, environmental toxins, neurochemical imbalances, and countless other factors lead to the breakdown of your central nervous system and decrease cognitive function. It takes something truly revolutionary and game-changing to slow the degradation.

But Mother Nature has provided! In this e-book from Zonia, you’ll learn about the 20 mushrooms and herbs that can improve your memory and prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. There is hope that your brain can continue functioning properly for the rest of your life—it’s all about what you feed it.

Value: $20

Yours Free


The Defense Protocol – Wealthy Health Secrets You Deserve to Know

The Defense Protocol – Wealthy Health Secrets You Deserve to Know

Does it feel like everyone you know is struggling with some health condition or another? Like every news channel and talk show you watch has some serious issue to warn you about? Like no matter what you do, your health never improves?

But what if you’re approaching it wrong, focusing on the wrong aspects of your health? In this e-book from Zonia, you’ll learn the harsh truths about the Big 3 (Medical, Food, and Pharma) industries and how they’ve twisted the system around so they profit off your health while placing the blame on you. Read this book for an eye-opening look at the truth behind mental, autoimmune, and chronic health problems, and see what actions you can take to reclaim your health!

13 Best Foods and Herbs to Supercharge Your Liver

13 Best Foods and Herbs to Supercharge Your Liver

Your liver is one of the hardest-working organs in your body—filtering out toxins, regulating chemicals, producing bile, and keeping your body working at optimum capacity. No surprise, then, that it’s also an organ highly likely to start deteriorating or showing signs of reduced function.

But the good news is that detoxifying your liver is both easy and highly effective. This e-book from Zonia offers a list of superfoods and herbs scientifically proven to restore this critical organ to full capacity. Add these thirteen foods to your diet, and give your liver the break it deserves.

15 Little Known Environmental Cancer Triggers You May Be Exposed To

15 Little Known Environmental Cancer Triggers You May Be Exposed To

Danger is all around you—sadly, it’s often impossible to see. Your environment may be the source of that new health issue or the chronic disease you’ve been struggling with for years. But how will you know if you don’t identify the threat behind the problem?

That’s what this guidebook by Zonia sets out to do! You’ll learn about the fifteen environmental triggers most likely to disrupt your health and contribute to higher risk of cancer (and other diseases). Once you learn the truth, you’ll be armed with the knowledge you need to take action and clean up your life to avoid the dangers lurking in your environment.

Value: $83

Yours Free


Immune Resiliency Summit

Immune Resiliency Summit

From Jason Prall

In this very important and timely summit, Jason Prall, creator of The Human Longevity Project, interviewed 25 trusted experts on the subject of immune health and resiliency. In this special offer, you’ll get instant, lifetime, digital access to these powerful interviews that deliver truly life-changing insights and practical wisdom you can implement today to build a well-regulated and more adaptable immune system. Plus, you’ll also receive over $500 in bonuses…free!

Value: $197

Yours Free


The Aging Gracefully Course with Dr. Ron Rosedale

6 Course Modules

Prepare to learn everything about your body and you’ll come out the other side ready to overhaul your lifestyle from top to bottom.

42 Video Lessons

Watch high-quality, short form video lessons that are entertaining, easy to follow, and perfect for viewing on the go.

350+ Minutes of Video

Consume synthesized research behind the metabolic enzyme mTOR that culminates in clearly defined roadmap for better health and longevity.

56 Additional Resources

Downloadable PDFs with checklists, trackers and more; Curated videos with HIIT, Yoga, and Pilates workouts; Nutritious recipes to make at home and much more.

Aging doesn’t have to be a curse—or an inevitability!

There may be nothing you can do to stop the years from ticking on by, but you can stop those years from taking a toll on your body. Your body is designed as a self-repairing, self-restoring mechanism; you’ve just got to give it a push in the right direction.

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in the 6-module Aging Gracefully course: how you can slow—or even reverse—aging on a cellular level. No surgeries or costly medical procedures or harmful medications. All you need is to give your body the “go-ahead” signal to stimulate new cellular growth, and there is the possibility for real rejuvenation.

Take the course now and learn how you can turn back your aging clock. Cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune and metabolic disease—you’ve got everything you need to fight them and live a longer, healthier life!

Value: $497

Yours Free

Join The Health Revolution

Share our docuseries with your friends and family via email or social media. Whenever someone uses your link to register to watch ‘Immune for Life’ for FREE, you get 1 point! The more points you get, the more life-changing products listed above you will unlock.


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