Why these so-called ‘healthy’ foods make you age on fast-forward - and cause your body to deal with excessive body fat, erratic blood sugar, heart problems, brain fog, memory loss, and sagging, wrinkly skin2
Did you know that you have a built-in “stop button” for premature aging and chronic disease…3
That you can turn ON or OFF at will, almost like switching the lights of your living room?
This secret discovery is the most important breakthrough in the past 50 years.
It flies in the face of everything we used to know about aging and disease…
And it’s backed up by more scientific evidence than MOST of the health advice we all follow as gospel.
I know what you’re thinking…
I know what you’re thinking…
It’s hard to believe that you can significantly slow down premature aging or chronic disease from the comfort of your home, because we’ve been conditioned from a very young age that aging and disease are a normal part of life.
But in the last 10 years, scientists from Harvard4 , John Hopkins Medical School5 and MIT6 discovered that…
...the wrinkly, sagging face that makes us look tired, sad and even angry…
...the erratic blood sugar slowly turning into type 2 diabetes…
...the weight creeping on our belly, arms, and thighs that won’t melt no matter how hard we diet and exercise…
…the lack of energy and the tossing and turning at night, slowly taking away the joy for life, making us miss precious time with the family…
… the horrible diseases of our brain, heart, lungs and bones that shadow decades of our lives…
… the health deterioration, the body deterioration, the brain deterioration we thought are “normal” parts of aging…
You see, the reason why we all age differently is because some people accidentally activate the “aging button” every time they’re indulging in one very specific food I’m about to reveal…
Accidentally programming their cells, organs and skin to premature decay.
And while it’s true that we cannot stop aging permanently… at least not yet… This “aging button” can make the difference between aging miserably for decades of your life and aging gracefully, and keeping your body and mind active for as long as possible.
Today, I’m making a promise to you:
I will reveal exactly how your aging button works.
And when you understand HOW to flip your ‘aging button’ OFF, not only you can help your body age gracefully while still looking and feeling 5, 10 or 15 years younger and fresher than anyone you’ve ever met…8
But you can also manage your risk of developing chronic disease9 , like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, brain disease and more.
But you can also manage your risk of developing chronic disease , like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, brain disease and more.
So if you’re struggling with premature aging on your face and body, if you’re suffering from chronic disease, or if you have elderly family members that need help with their age-related conditions, I promise you that this is the most important information about aging you’ll ever come across.
I am going to reveal why MOST health advice out there is plain wrong for you…
What is scientifically proven to work when it comes to natural and powerful rejuvenation of skin, organs and cells…
And what longevity experts, cancer research scientists have discovered almost three decades ago (that we now understand for the first time it’s linked to accelerated aging):
The aging discovery of the century
Simply and easily, just like pressing a button on your body.
This shocking discovery was revealed to me in an almost miraculous way while I was researching longevity as part of my mission to save my family from devastating illnesses…
And my findings left me furious on mainstream media and eager to share the truth with you.
Being the CEO of a wellness company, I had access to some of the best longevity studies and experts in the world.
So I took full advantage of it, and went deep into my research session that spanned over multiple months.
And he blew my mind
I reached out to Dr. Ron Rosendale, the world’s leading longevity expert, and interviewed him on a new masterclass I was filming on healthy longevity, called the “The CEO of Aging”” Masterclass.
The reason why I reached out to him is because Dr. Ron is an incredible doctor.
He has hundreds of miraculous recovery patient stories under his belt, and has studied anti-aging, nutrition, diabetes, and metabolic disease for the past 30+ years.
So when it comes to healthy aging and disease prevention, Dr. Ron is one of the best people in the world to talk to.
He told me everything about his groundbreaking research, and how he is able to help people suffering from the world’s most deadly diseases.
Dr. Ron was the first person to tell me about something called the mTor pathway, which he called “The CEO of Aging” or “the aging button”.
Thirty years ago, scientists didn’t have a clue that this aging button even existed.
But now we know that mTor, the “aging button” or however you want to call it …
‘is an amazing medical breakthrough that dictates how fast we age.’13
So let me repeat this, because it’s absolutely vital to understand that…
This is an enzyme in the body that dictates how fast we age.
Even more fascinating, this enzyme goes hand in hand with chronic and metabolic diseases, which is why it is VITAL to control it.
This mTor protein enzyme regulates lifespan, aging, and cellular aging14 ...
By giving your body instructions to go from “cell replication mode” to “cell repair mode” and vice versa.
And that’s where mTor plays a vital role:
When your mTor is high, you activate the cell replication mode.
When mTor is low, you activate your cell repair mode.
The cell repair mode helps the cells in your body repair, rejuvenate and balance the body, making sure everything is in top condition “under the hood”.
However, if you keep your body away from “cell repair mode”, more than it needs to…
It goes into “cell replication mode”, where the risk of aging and chronic diseases skyrockets.
What happens next is that cells eventually multiply recklessly, causing havoc to the body…
As Dr.Ron puts it:
If our cells start over replicating, this can lead to age-related chronic diseases like obesity and cancer.
When the cells over-replicate (and you will find out very soon which very common food in America triggers this), it’s not only unhealthy for the body, but also impossible for your cells to get back to their rejuvenating “repair mode”.
But picture this: If we could help our cells to repair more efficiently, we could experience longer-lasting youthfulness and energy.
Our skin probably wouldn’t sag as much and create those aging creases around our eyes and mouth.
Our eyesight wouldn’t weaken all of the sudden, allowing us to enjoy crystal-clear vision without glasses or surgery.
Our metabolism wouldn’t slow down dramatically, causing us to store every bit of food on our abdomen and hips…
And we wouldn’t develop life-threatening conditions that need medication for the rest of our lives.
Slowing down your aging process not only means living more, but also living without life-threatening disease because your cells don’t deteriorate as much and can ever repair themselves more efficiently.
So how can we keep our body in cell repair mode for as long as possible?
When the cells over-replicate, it’s not only unhealthy for the body, but also impossible for your cells to get back to their rejuvenating “repair mode”.
But picture this: If we could help our cells to repair more efficiently, we could experience longer-lasting youthfulness and energy.
Our skin probably wouldn’t sag as much and create those aging creases around our eyes and mouth.
Our eyesight wouldn’t weaken all of the sudden, allowing us to enjoy crystal-clear vision without glasses or surgery.
Our metabolism wouldn’t slow down dramatically, causing us to store every bit of food on our abdomen and hips…
And we wouldn’t develop life-threatening conditions that need medication for the rest of our lives.
Slowing down your aging process not only means living more, but also living without life-threatening disease because your cells don’t deteriorate as much and can ever repair themselves more efficiently.
So how can we keep our body in cell repair mode for as long as possible?
The scale tips and turns on one of these modes based on different triggers in our body.
Every day, you can tip the scales in a way that’s disastrous for your health…
Or healthy for the body.
Unfortunately, when you’re eating dangerous foods, you tip the scale into cell replication mode.
And these foods get stacked up against each other on the scale, adding more and more weight to it…
Making it virtually impossible for the cell repair mode to begin!
So let me repeat this, because it’s vital for understanding how your aging button works:
Every time you eat excessive amounts of these
“aging foods”, your body remains in “cell replication mode”…
So your cells never get the chance to
repair themselves efficiently.
Every time you eat excessive amounts of these “aging foods”, your body remains in “cell replication mode”…
So your cells never get the chance to repair themselves efficiently.
And just like foods that increase the “aging button” mTOR and turn on the cell replication mode…
There are nutrients that can achieve the opposite:
There are nutrients that can achieve the opposite:
Which means that by limiting certain foods or getting some specific nutrients, we can actually program our cells to repair instead of replicate AT WILL…
Unfortunately, I’m about to talk about an amino acid, called Leucine, found in America’s favorite food.
If you’re like most people in this country, you probably love treating yourself to a nice burger or a juicy steak at least a few times a week…
Or don’t think twice about adding some bacon to your eggs every morning…
After all, red meat is really nutritious and high in protein…
And your body needs that protein for everything, from repairing our cells and muscles, to regulating bowel movements.
But here’s something nutritionists often fail to mention:
High amounts of protein, and especially animal protein, is also the reason why your mTor level skyrockets…
Kickstarting the endless cell replication mode.
In fact, too much protein on every meal, for years?
It can be deadly.
One study analyzed the health and food choices of 6381 participants for over 50 years, and found a shocking pattern:
People between 50 and 65 years old who eat excessive amounts of protein are 74% more likely to die prematurely…
And have a 4-fold increased risk to die from cancer and diabetes than people who eat less protein15
The reason why?
When your body gets certain nutrients, such as leucine from meat, it activates the mTor that sends your cells straight into “replication mode”...
And turns off the rejuvenating “repair mode”, that helps the body survive for longer, and stay healthier.
To give you a better understanding of how much these nutrients accelerate your aging…
I want to quickly tell you a bit about my friend Ivan.
He just turned 99 years old, but you wouldn't know it from the way he lives.
In the summer, he swims around 3 miles every single day back in Bulgaria…
In the winter, he goes skiing for a few months.
I’ve joined him more than a few times for both activities, and I can tell you I have only a fraction of the energy and mental sharpness of this 99 year old man.
Once I asked him about the secret to his longevity and he said:
“I eat a lot of plant-based foods, and less meat.”
Without realizing, Ivan has been keeping his “aging stop button” working in his favor all his life…
And he is enjoying healthy longevity even at 99 years.
Does all of this mean that protein is bad for you and you should give it up for good?
Well, no.
Remember, these two modes sit on a scale, so the goal here is balance…
Plus, protein helps your body stay strong.
But when you get too much of it, and especially a particular type of protein, called leucine, an amino acid found mostly in animal protein…
To give you a better understanding of how much these nutrients accelerate your aging…
I want to quickly tell you a bit about my friend Ivan.
He just turned 99 years old, but you wouldn't know it from the way he lives.
In the summer, he swims around 3 miles every single day back in Bulgaria…
In the winter, he goes skiing for a few months.
I’ve joined him more than a few times for both activities, and I can tell you I have only a fraction of the energy and mental sharpness of this 99 year old man.
Once I asked him about the secret to his longevity and he said:
“I eat a lot of plant-based foods, and less meat.”
Without realizing, Ivan has been keeping his “aging stop button” working in his favor all his life…
And he is enjoying healthy longevity even at 99 years.
Does all of this mean that protein is bad for you and you should give it up for good?
Well, no.
Remember, these two modes sit on a scale, so the goal here is balance…
Plus, protein helps your body stay strong.
But when you get too much of it, and especially a particular type of protein, called leucine, an amino acid found mostly in animal protein…
Going back to my grandfather’s story, it all made sense to me.
Even though my grandfather was keeping his body strong…
His traditional Bulgarian diet, filled with heavy amounts of meat, was keeping his body away from cell repair mode…
Until it all finally caught up with him.
Mind you, I was learning about this for the very first time…
But it turns out this information comes from research available since 1993.
Because of our food choices, Dr. Ron revealed ‘We’re starting to age earlier than humans did 50 or 100 years ago, so in essence we live shorter than our ancestors.’
But nobody warned me about this danger…
Just like nobody warned YOU.
We don’t find out about how to keep our body in cell repair mode in school, in the doctor’s office, or in the media…
And instead we’re constantly bombarded with news about chronic diseases, and death rates…
Going back to my grandfather’s story, it all made sense to me.
Even though my grandfather was keeping his body strong…
His traditional Bulgarian diet, filled with heavy amounts of meat, was keeping his body away from cell repair mode…
Until it all finally caught up with him.
Mind you, I was learning about this for the very first time…
But it turns out this information comes from research available since 1993.
Because of our food choices, Dr. Ron revealed ‘We’re starting to age earlier than humans did 50 or 100 years ago, so in essence we live shorter than our ancestors.’
But nobody warned me about this danger…
Just like nobody warned YOU.
We don’t find out about how to keep our body in cell repair mode in school, in the doctor’s office, or in the media…
And instead we’re constantly bombarded with news about chronic diseases, and death rates…
Mind you, I was learning about this for the very first time…
But it turns out this information comes from research available since 1993.
Because of our food choices, Dr. Ron revealed ‘We’re starting to age earlier than humans did 50 or 100 years ago, so in essence we live shorter than our ancestors.’
But nobody warned me about this danger…
Just like nobody warned YOU.
We don’t find out about how to keep our body in cell repair mode in school, in the doctor’s office, or in the media…
And instead we’re constantly bombarded with news about chronic diseases, and death rates…
Personally, I’ve decided to do my part, and share this truth with as many people as possible…
Personally, I’ve decided to do my part, and share this truth with as many people as possible…
Because I’m tired of accepting aging and disease as a natural part of human experience.
Because I’m tired of accepting aging and disease as a natural part of human experience.
Now that I know the truth…
Now that I know the truth…
I discovered what works and what doesn’t when it comes to healthy longevity.
I came across science that helped me understand what nutrients protect your body and your mind from rapid aging…
And after months of research…
And after months of research…
But also have some exceptional benefits for your skin, blood sugar, bones, heart, joints and cellular health.
Because just like leucine from excessive consumption of meat can press your aging button ON…
Other nutrients are proven to turn it OFF.
Other nutrients are proven to turn it OFF.
I like to call these natural ingredients “multi-potent”, because not only they can decrease the mTor tremendously, and help your cells go into “repair mode”...
I like to call these natural ingredients “multi-potent”, because not only they can decrease the mTor tremendously, and help your cells go into “repair mode”...
But they can also support the prevention of chronic disease and age-related disease, help restore the health of your cells and get that healthy glow that comes from your health and energy improving.
But they can also support the prevention of chronic disease and age-related disease, help restore the health of your cells and get that healthy glow that comes from your health and energy improving.
In total, there are 7 amazing ingredients that come with loads of research behind them, and 100% natural mTor inhibiting powers, that will hopefully get you as excited as we were when we first discovered them.
So here they are:
Chinese doctors used berberine for thousands of years.
Berberine is, first and foremost, a powerful mTOR inhibitor16.
Recently, it has also been tested in hundreds of different studies and shown to have some very impressive properties17:
Slows down cell aging by a whopping 72%18, making them look more like young cells for a lot longer
Reduces blood sugar levels19,20
Can regulate blood pressure
Can lower triglycerides
Can improve heart health
Is mood regulating and can even help fight depression>
An amazing feat of taking berberine involves weight loss:
Taking berberine for 4 months helped participants of a study lose up to 5 pounds of stubborn fat without changing their diet or exercising more.
Apparently the weight loss happened because berberine had improved the main fat-regulating hormones: insulin, leptin and adiponectin.
This polyphenol helps the body to turn off genes that promote aging21 , but trans-resveratrol can be even more effective.
It’s a powerful mTOR inhibitor and a longevity agent, which in some studies improved the lifespan of mice by around a mind-blowing 31%22.
It’s also scientifically-proven to:
Support healthy blood pressure23
Reduce memory loss and cognitive decline24
Protect brain cells from damage
A 2018 study actually showed that fisetin might be the most effective polyphenol we have available for our cellular health25.
Researchers became increasingly interested in fisetin for the past few years and performed many many studies on rodents, which share up to 99% of human DNA, and found some incredible things about fisetin.
First, fisetin blocks overactive mTor26 which makes it a powerful natural ingredient to support healthy longevity, youthfulness and health27.
In rodents, fisetin alone improved their lifespan by over 10%.
But its benefits don’t stop here. This amazing polyphenol:
Can reduce wrinkles by boosting skin collagen28
Can protect the skin from DNA damage and inflammation29
Can increase the feel-good hormones in the brain30
Can support brain health on multiple levels, from reducing brain inflammation to protecting brain cells, and even decreasing brain plaques that causes dementia31
Supports healthy blood circulation and healthy blood pressure
Can improve heart health
Can protect bone density
As you might know, green tea has been used for centuries> in some parts of the world to treat a variety of conditions, and people in Ancient China believed that drinking it would bring them good health and longevity.>
Turns out, the Ancient Chinese were right! Research has proven that EGCG, a powerful polyphenol found in green tea, is able to significantly suppress elevated mTOR32 levels and protect cells from damage.
EGCG has been found to actually promote longevity in the body33 and help protect the skin against sun damage, making you look more youthful and vibrant34.
In addition, EGCG:
Helps rejuvenate the skin by decreasing sunburned cells by an incredible 66%35 , regardless of your age (when you apply it to your skin)
May help regulate blood sugar levels36
Supports your weight loss efforts37
Has even been shown to boost your metabolism38
Multiple studies show that curcuma, the active component of turmeric, is one of nature’s most powerful allies against aging40.
That’s because curcumin is actually a super strong mTor inhibitor, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory ingredient41.
Studies have proven it can:
Stimulate your body’s antioxidant defense and stop dangerous free radicals from rapidly aging your body42
Boost your mood by increasing the feel-good hormones in your brain43
Prevent or reduce brain aging44
Have impressive metabolism regulating properties45
As we age, our vitamin D levels automatically drop by 50% or more, which makes 8 in 10 people deficient in vitamin D.
This is a problem, especially when it comes to your immune system, that can become compromised if your vitamin D levels aren’t optimal.
Vitamin D3...
Supports strong immunity
Promotes youthfulness by keeping elevated mTor levels low46
Significantly contributes to healthy and younger-looking skin.
Can reduce your biological age of your cells in just 16 weeks
Can prevent cellular deterioration that ages your skin by 55 - 70%47
The second really vital vitamin for youthfulness is the K2 vitamin.
First, because vitamin D3 cannot be absorbed properly without vitamin K2.
And second, because just like vitamin D3, it inhibits high levels of mTOR48 , promotes strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin K2 can also:
Help boost your memory function
Lower inflammation
Help decrease the symptoms of autoimmune conditions
Can even keep your heart healthy49
Vitamin K2 is so vital for the body, that people with lower vitamin K levels are 20% more likely to die50 because of diseases, but not many people really pay attention to this.
In a famous study, called “The Rotterdam Study”, scientists found out that from 4.800 participants, people who had more vitamin K2 in the body were 52% less likely to develop calcification of their arteries...
And 57% lower chance of dying from heart disease over a 10 year period51.
So what should stop you right now from buying loads of Vitamin K2?
Well, one MAJOR problem with Vitamin K2 is its low bioavailability.
English, please?
Basically, most of the Vitamin K2 you find at pharmacies and shops won’t be absorbed by your body fast enough.
Once you take the Vitamin K2, your stomach will start breaking it down and sending it on its way out of your body BEFORE you get to soak up all the benefits…
Not to worry though - we have developed a solution.
And you’re seconds away from accessing it.
After finding these impressive ingredients, we spent months researching a wellness company that has a product with all these natural master mTOR “inhibitors” and we couldn’t find one.
That’s because all these multi-potent agents need to be in the precise dosage to be really effective, and unfortunately not many companies are offering that.
So I have used everything I know about the body’s natural ‘aging button’...
And tapped into my resources as a CEO of a health company…
I’m happy to say that the solution I am about to share with you right now is already helping many people get control over their aging…
Including my own mother!
And I’m about to share this fountain of youth with you, right now:
Restore Life supports boosting your longevity and restoring your youthful glow, both inside and out.
It is the only product in the world that is specifically designed to ‘switch off' your “aging button”.
So yes, the Restore Life Formula includes all the multi-potent
Berberine, which can stop your cells from aging so fast, and makes your cell act like a younger cell
Berberine, which can stop your cells from aging so fast, and makes your cell act like a younger cell
Fisetin, which boosts your collagen production and makes your skin look more youthful and wrinkle-free
Fisetin, which boosts your collagen production and makes your skin look more youthful and wrinkle-free
Organic matcha green tea, the ancient secret to superior health, which protects your cells from sun damage up to 66%, and makes you look youthful and vibrant
Organic matcha green tea, the ancient secret to superior health, which protects your cells from sun damage up to 66%, and makes you look youthful and vibrant
Turmeric, now seen by a lot of scientists as nature’s most powerful defense against aging and mood swings, thanks to its mTor inhibitor role, strong antioxidant defense, and antidepressant properties
Turmeric, now seen by a lot of scientists as nature’s most powerful defense against aging and mood swings, thanks to its mTor inhibitor role, strong antioxidant defense, and antidepressant properties
Trans-resveratrol, the ingredient which puts aging on pause at your genetic level, proven to increase rodent’s lifespan by an incredible 31%
Trans-resveratrol, the ingredient which puts aging on pause at your genetic level, proven to increase rodent’s lifespan by an incredible 31%
Vitamin D3, which helps reduce the biological age of your cells and prevents cellular deterioration of your skin
Vitamin D3, which helps reduce the biological age of your cells and prevents cellular deterioration of your skin
And Vitamin K2 as MK-7 from Trans isomers, which is the most bioavailable form of Vitamin K2 on the market. MK-7 isn’t instantly flushed out by your body as regular Vitamin K2 from MK-4, which means you WILL get all of its benefits like inhibiting high levels of mTOR, protecting your arteries, and supporting your cardiovascular health
And Vitamin K2 as MK-7 from Trans isomers, which is the most bioavailable form of Vitamin K2 on the market. MK-7 isn’t instantly flushed out by your body as regular Vitamin K2 from MK-4, which means you WILL get all of its benefits like inhibiting high levels of mTOR, protecting your arteries, and supporting your cardiovascular health
We’ve added all these incredible mTor inhibiting ingredients into ONE single powerful formula.
We’ve added all these incredible mTor inhibiting ingredients into ONE single powerful formula.
Which is also GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices) certified!
We made sure the dosages are effective and the ingredients used are from the best possible sources.
Also, we made sure every single dose is 100% free from:
GMO ingredients
Artificial Binders
And any useless ingredients added just to raise the price tag
If you were also wondering if Restore Life Formula is vegan friendly, the answer is YES.
While the Restore Life formula will inhibit your mTor and improve your longevity and wellbeing…
It will also help you on many other health levels.
The ingredients found in The Restore Life formula are proven to support:
A reduction in hard to control blood sugar52 53
A healthy and balanced immune system
Defense against cellular damage
A healthy weight and weight loss efforts
A youthful and glowing skin
Better memory54 and learning ability
An enhanced defense against inflammation and free radicals that damage your physical appearance and health55
And even an improvement on your mood and emotional health56
So while all the ingredients in the Restore Life formula work on a cellular level to inhibit mTor, stop cell aging, and support your longevity journey…
You could lose a few extra pounds naturally, thanks to Berberine…
You could help protect your memory and your brain, thanks to Fisetin.
The Organic Matcha Green Tea can boost your metabolism even more, protect your skin against aging, and stabilze your blood sugar…
Turmeric can be your best defense against inflammation and free radicals, restore the health of your body, and help you feel happier and calmer;
Vitamin D3 can protect your skin against aging, reduce sun spots, and help you look younger;
While MK-7 from Trans Isomers, the most superior form of Vitamin K2, can help protect your heart health.
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Well, a lot of the ingredients found in our Restore Life supplement were proven to work in studies performed on a 12-week period or more.
The body needs some time to assimilate the ingredients and begin the restoration process.
Which is why starting out with either the 3-month or the 6-month option might be the most effective way to experience the full effects of these natural healers.
Here’s why you should opt for the 3-month or 6-month packages:
Get even HIGHER discounts for MORE bottles
Give your body TIME to experience the FULL EFFECTS of this formula
Make sure you have enough product and avoid waiting weeks or months until our boutique company can restock - and considering how popular this offer is, our stock is FLYING off our shelves
You get an exclusive offer to a product most people can only DREAM of
Your purchase is protected by a 180-day money back guarantee
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With the 3-bottle or 6-bottle packages, you have the most chances to experience the energy, the metabolism-boosting and the rejuvenating effects without having to stop your progress just because you ran out.
So instead of dealing with all the body changes and the premature aging that come with chronically elevated mTOR levels…
You can get this wonderful formula and help your body go back into the rejuvenating repair mode.
All you have to say is:
MAYBE this scientifically-backed formula might work for me,
And if you don’t experience jaw-dropping results in your energy levels, metabolism, skin, mood and overall health in the next 180 days…
Just send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked, no matter what package you chose.
The choice is yours to take.
You can skip this mTor-suppressing body tonic…
And go back to your usual rejuvenating methods…
Or you can get the only body tonic that has 7 completely natural mTor inhibitors.
All you need to do is choose your favorite package down below and add it to your order.
And if you change your mind at any point in the next 6 months, you can send us the bottles back even if they are all empty, and you’ll get your refund no matter what the reason is.
I know what you’ve just learned about aging and longevity is a lot to take in…
I can also understand how you might feel frustrated, or even angry that none of this was shared with you before…
Believe me.
I’ve been where you are.
But you do know the truth now.
You know there is a way for you to help control the aging process…
Help protect your body from chronic disease…
And support your body in achieving healthy longevity.
And knowing brings you power.
It brings you the power to do something about it…
And change your life.
You look in the mirror one morning and just think ‘who is this person?’
‘Where did the person I knew go?’
It can feel like you’re losing yourself…
And that’s a kind of pain that can be devastating.
But if you start controlling your mTor…
And help tip the scales in the cell repair mode’s favor…
Well, there’s no limit to what amazing things you can experience!
You can wake up one morning and feel fresh and energized for the entire day…
You can skip that third cup of coffee at noon because your body doesn’t need it anymore…
You can start enjoying your life more because your body doesn’t hurt every time you make the wrong move…
You can see the shocked look on your doctor’s face the next time you go in for your early tests…
Because he can’t remember the last time your results looked this good…
You can see your skin plump and shiny, and laugh when everyone assumes you're much younger than you actually are…
You can shed stubborn fat easily, and spend money on new clothes instead of new gym subscriptions…
You can feel better…
Look better…
And finally feel like you got your body back.
With Restore Life, you have a convenient way to get 7 mTor suppression ingredients…
Which will tip the scales for your longevity…
In just 2 seconds a day.
The choice is yours.
Thank you for reading and I hope my letter has shed some light on your health and longevity.
Stefan Apostolov
Founder of Zonia
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Restore Life Formula is a 100% natural GMO-free body tonic that supports the whole body, from cell to skin. It acts by inhibiting elevated mTOR protein which causes premature aging and disease and providing extra support to your overall health.
The ingredients from The Restore Life formula are proven to support:
If you want to keep aging gracefully, stop premature aging, keep your youthful appearance for years and years, then the Restore Life Formula along with the course is a great option for you.
We designed the Restore Life formula while keeping in mind our shared goal of achieving healthy longevity.
To this date, none of the ingredients in the Restore Life Formula had any reported side effects.
But like with every other active ingredient like vitamins and minerals you get in a supplement form, it’s always good to check with your doctor or healthcare provider, especially if you have existing conditions.
The Restore Life formula can last for 24 months as long as you remember to keep the bottle in a cool, clean, dry place, especially after opening the bottle.
The best way to take the Restore Life formula is 2 capsules every day with a glass of water, milk or tea after your breakfast or lunch. Because of its organic matcha green tea content, it’s preferable to take the capsule in the morning and not in the evening.
I’m really positive you will LOVE the results you get from Restore Life Formula.
In the unlikely case you’re not happy with how you feel after taking it, you are covered by a 180-day money-back guarantee that secures your investment.
So you can try the Restore Life formula completely free for 6 months. And if you’re not happy with the changes you’ll experience on your body, mood, skin and overall health, you can send an email to [email protected] and get a full refund no matter if you’ve ordered the 1-month, 3-months, or 6-months supply.
Restore Life Formula is a 100% natural GMO-free body tonic that supports the whole body, from cell to skin. It acts by inhibiting elevated mTOR protein which causes premature aging and disease and providing extra support to your overall health.
The ingredients from The Restore Life formula are proven to support:
If you want to keep aging gracefully, stop premature aging, keep your youthful appearance for years and years, then the Restore Life Formula along with the course is a great option for you.
We designed the Restore Life formula while keeping in mind our shared goal of achieving healthy longevity.
To this date, none of the ingredients in the Restore Life Formula had any reported side effects.
But like with every other active ingredient like vitamins and minerals you get in a supplement form, it’s always good to check with your doctor or healthcare provider, especially if you have existing conditions.
The Restore Life formula can last for 24 months as long as you remember to keep the bottle in a cool, clean, dry place, especially after opening the bottle.
The best way to take the Restore Life formula is 2 capsules every day with a glass of water, milk or tea after your breakfast or lunch. Because of its organic matcha green tea content, it’s preferable to take the capsule in the morning and not in the evening.
I’m really positive you will LOVE the results you get from Restore Life Formula.
In the unlikely case you’re not happy with how you feel after taking it, you are covered by a 180-day money-back guarantee that secures your investment.
So you can try the Restore Life formula completely free for 6 months. And if you’re not happy with the changes you’ll experience on your body, mood, skin and overall health, you can send an email to [email protected] and get a full refund no matter if you’ve ordered the 1-month, 3-months, or 6-months supply.
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