the ultimate roadmap for
fast metabolism

the ultimate roadmap
for fast metabolism


Value: $27

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Adopt this roadmap to jump-start your metabolism: say goodbye to that stubborn fat and hello to a healthier you!
  • How One Doctors' Kid Became an American Apparel FIT model (Get all 6 Baby Steps He Followed to Make It Happen Fast) - Page 6
  • The Scientific Evidence on How People Can Overcome Their Struggle with Weight Regardless of Their Genetic Predisposition – BONUS VIDEO
  • The 3 food additives that you want to watch out for and avoid - Page 8
  • Uncover the #1 Food that Triggers Fat Accumulation and Learn Why 85% of Americans Are Addicted to It. – Page 9
  • The Truth About Your Metabolism & Your Genes...(Learn This If You Want to Finally Understand How and Where to Control It!) Page 11& Bonus Video
  • A Proven Method to Prevent & Reverse Type 2 Diabetes (even though it is affecting more people than ever before)
  • What Scientists Now Know About the LINK Between Sugar & Type 2 Diabetes
  • 4 Foods you must quit to reset your metabolism in 10 days or less that may seem healthy but are actually detrimental for your health - Page 14
  • Which Snack Bar is the Devil Destroying Your Waistline - Page 16

Value: $27

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  • The 6 Metabolism-Boosting Food TYPES You MUST Eat MORE OF if You Want to Revamp Your Metabolism into High Gear & Keep It Racing for Life (Plus the Hyper-Nutritious Cleansing Tea I Sip When I Need to Increase My Energy Fast) - Page 17
  • BONUS #1: Metabolism Accelerator Meal Plan,(Inside)
  • Bonus #2 (VIDEO): The #1 tip Stefan shares on how to turn off your fat genes & awaken your healthy genes  
review user

Vesela Apostolova

Executive Director at a NYC-based Financial Services Firm

This is the exact same roadmap I used to quit sugar and lose the baby fat I gained during my pregnancy


Value: $27

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