Episode 1
Now, we know this breakthrough information has changed the lives of thousands of people for the better already.
And it can beyond a shadow of a doubt help you and your loved ones.
That’s why we made this documentary series a part of our Zonia streaming platform.
We don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to uncover the hidden Primal Healing Secrets...
As well as the recent breakthroughs in science and functional medicine.
That’s why even though each episode you watch for free will expire in 24 hours after airing...
When you support our mission to spread this life-saving information with the world by becoming a member of Zonia today, you’ll get instant on-demand access to all 7 episodes...
And will be able to come back to re-watch the episodes whenever it’s convenient for you and at your own pace.
And the thing is... we realize that we may not be able to completely shield America, Canada, the UK or Australia from environmental toxins...
But what we can do is to help individuals just like you to turn their life, health and household into a Toxin Free oasis.
This means that what you learn here will make you and your loved ones healthier, happier, safer and better protected from the onslaught of toxins and modern day diseases.
Or even ward off any new “unknown” diseases like a recent pandemic we all had to suffer through.
To do that we invite you to join the Zonia video-streaming platform & community today because we’ve got all of the things for you to achieve this.
When you join Zonia today for as low as $10/month, you’ll get the whole “Toxin Free” docuseries...
As well as action-driven, value-packed and life-changing 1,000+ “Health Bite” videos on healthy cooking, Yoga, Pilates, HIIT Workout, guided meditation & hypnotherapy, sleep stories and even motivation.
These health bites reveal the exact secrets of Primal Healing...to help you start transforming your body and your house into its own Toxin Free zone.
Tell us about what you learn from this series and what actions you will be implementing in your life.