Enjoy Healthy Digestion, Normal Immune Function, and More Energy In Less Than a Minute a Day

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Nearly 2 Out of 3 People in the US Experience Gastrointestinal Agitation Every Week

And many have no idea about the connection between a healthy gut, normal immune system function and overall well-being...

And they're tired of feeling fatigued and dealing with occasional pain and abdominal discomfort

Imagine waking up in the morning and already feeling the discomfort deep inside your body.

You go through the day with a deep sense of uncertainty, never really knowing when the next wave of digestive unease, bloating, or embarrassment may strike again.

You slowly begin to avoid socializing, eating out, and spending time on hobbies that you used to enjoy.

Instead, your whole body sometimes aches, and your mind is never in the present moment.

But while many people may say that these annoyances are “normal”...

You're certainly not alone with this problem.

More than half of 71,000 people surveyed reported dealing with occasional, temporary pain in their gut

That's right. A 2018 study found that 61% of Americans report dealing with at least one gastrointestinal issue per week2.

This means that if you're in this unlucky “majority”, you may experience occasional, temporary gut-related issues such as:

Acid Reflux
Abdominal pain

These discomforts can take away your joy from life, and keep you in a constant loop of worry, uncertainty, and agitation.

Leaving you questioning yourself, avoiding food, and thinking that it's just the way your body is...

But what most people don't realize is that...

We've known about the connection between the gut and immune system support for over 2,000 years

More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates told us the gut is central to human health.

Centuries have passed, but we know this statement still remains true today.

In fact, we now know that a strong intestinal wall helps protect our body and can keep our immune system supported so it functions properly and not in a misguided fashion3.

The intestinal wall is like a special barrier that lines your gut (intestines) and plays several important roles:

1. Absorption

The wall of the intestines has tiny, finger-like projections called villi and microvilli. These increase the surface area to help absorb nutrients from the food you eat into your bloodstream.

2. Protection

It acts as a barrier to prevent harmful substances like toxins from our food [RSS3] from passing from the gut into the rest of the body. This essential gastrointestinal function is central to overall health and well-being.

3. Separation

By helping to support this barrier and its functionality, the intestinal wall ensures that primarily digested food nutrients enter your bloodstream, while waste and harmful substances stay within the gut to be expelled from the body.

In essence, the intestinal wall is crucial for digestion, nutrient absorption, and protecting your body from harmful invaders.

But most people aren't fortunate enough to find out about this in time...

This is what turned my family gatherings from memorable to miserable

My name is Stefan Apostolov, and I am the founder of Zonia.

You see, my family found out about the importance of gut health the hard way.

And the worst part is that for way too long, all I could do is watch...

My brother-in-law was always a fun, energetic person who was the life and soul of the party.

But shortly after he hit his 40s, everything started to change.

He went from vibrant to feeling more exhausted, and from cheerful to not always being in the mood for things.

And we had no idea why...

Our family gatherings that he once enjoyed didn't feel the same for him, as he occasionally ended up feeling bloated and fatigued.

It was painful to see his kids asking him to play sports and hearing him refuse.

I saw the tired look on his face, and I knew that he really wanted to do his best, but...

My brother-in-law simply had no energy left

Now, I know what you might be thinking, because my family and I thought the same.

At first, we suspected that he might be feeling depressed.

My brother-in-law would just feel down at times, and he'd rather stay home and rest than do anything else.

But here is the thing...

It was the occasional fatigue, bloating, and low energy that caused him to feel down.

Not the other way around.

But then, he started to notice yet another mysterious symptom...

All of a sudden, he started experiencing periodic joint aches, and we thought it was nearly game over.

That's also when we realized that it must be something else, and not just a bad mood.

Our next guess was hormones.

It's typical for people over 40 to experience a gradual decline in hormonal levels, which often leads to less energy, strength, and more stress on their mind and body.

But just like before, our theory turned out not to be true...

My brother-in-law did a full hormone panel, and everything seemed normal.

My family and I thought that we might have missed something, but that's when a huge, telling sign appeared.

When my brother-in-law was around the age of 45, he suddenly developed new food sensitivities.

It was a shock that we never even expected.

Out of the blue, he couldn't eat shellfish anymore.

Whenever he would have seafood, it would totally disagree with him.

That's also when we noticed that this occasional fatigue and digestive discomfort became more present...

And while we had no clue that a mid-life food sensitivity is even possible...

Hippocrates stated this more than 2,000+ years ago

The gut is central to human health

I was reminded of this age-old sentence during a medical conference, and it all suddenly started to make sense to me...

It's like I could finally connect the pieces of this puzzle that was confusing my family for a good few years.

My brother-in-law's occasional bloating, digestive issues, body aches, sudden food sensitivities, and low energy were all tied to his gut health.

But this was just the beginning of our fight for his wellness.

To break out of the cycle, you need to be in charge of your gut health

But most people forget about this one important component of gut support

When most people think about healing the gut, they think about a diverse diet and probiotics, which may not be enough to provide full-scale intestinal health support.

You see, the balance of gut bacteria is just a part of the equation when it comes to normal gut health.

What most people forget about (or don't even know) is that our gut has a very thin lining, protecting the rest of the body from large food particles and other “outside invaders”.

When your gut lining isn't taken care of, it can start letting these particles pass into your bloodstream.

Imagine a well-maintained house with perfect furniture

But if the front door has holes in it and isn't sealing at all...

You'll see small dirt getting inside.

The changes won't be too noticeable at first...

But as time passes and the erosion of the entrance continues...

The holes in your front door will grow bigger, allowing for larger pieces of dirt to enter the house...

Leading to the deterioration of the whole house.

You see, it's much better to immediately fix the door and keep it well maintained...

Rather than try to reverse the damage to the whole building.

This is what happens when people only support the gut microbiome, but forget about the nutrients needed to build and maintain strong, functioning intestinal walls.

Despite changing their diet and taking probiotics, people may still have food particles and toxins getting into their bloodstream, because their gut lining is not getting all the nutritional support it needs.

Most gut supplements only focus on the microbiome, leaving the intestinal barrier unattended

The topic of the intestinal barrier is often unrecognized, and there are two main reasons for it...

It often goes totally undetected, as it is difficult to test.

It's common to attribute occasional gut discomfort to a bad meal.

Simply put, it's just easy to ignore the signs our bodies give us.

But I wanted more for my brother-in-law, so I had to find a sustainable solution.

I had to find a way to support his gut lining and promote gut barrier integrity.

Of course, probiotics focusing only on the microbiome can work as intended, especially when you combine them with healthy lifestyle changes. But...

To fully promote digestive health and natural immune defenses, you need to remember the intestinal lining.

Because otherwise, small food particles can penetrate your body, just like dirt would get into a house without a solid door.

In the case of your gut, the “dirt” often comes in many forms:

Processed foods
Harmful microorganisms
Environmental toxins

When I finally understood the topic of gut lining support, I realized just how many people deal with these issues on a daily basis.

Occasional bloating, constipation, and other gastrointestinal discomforts can be tied to lack of nutritional support for intestinal structure

A 2020 study4 found that without proper nutritional support, occasional gastrointestinal discomfort can appear out of nowhere.

As stated by the researchers, exposure to environmental toxins and lack of nutritional support for normal intestinal wall function appear to be crucial factors for many gut issues...

And may even play a role in overall immune support and wellness.

Knowing that, I couldn't wait any longer...

I set out on a mission to discover the best way to give people support for their intestinal structure.

That's when our bodies can do precisely what they are supposed to do - filter all that bad stuff OUT.

Thankfully, I wasn't alone on that path.

At that time, I was interviewing hundreds of world-class medical doctors, who gave me hope.

They also confirmed my initial hypothesis:

While probiotics and a diverse diet are important for optimizing the microbiome, we often need further nutritional support to promote the integrity of the intestinal barrier.

This is a critical part of supporting overall gut health and keeping the immune system operating like normal.

These experts taught me everything they knew about the gut inside out

And showed me how to support intestinal function with the right nutrition

After having hundreds of conversations with these established functional medicine experts...

And doing my own research based on what I heard, I discovered seven powerful ingredients, many of which have been known for centuries.

These ingredients have been researched hundreds of times, so I knew that they must have some truly unique properties...

And when combined together, I knew they would be able to show the true magic of nutrition...

7 Potent Ingredients To Support Your Intestinal Function

Discover seven multi-purpose ingredients that help nourish intestinal walls

L-Glutamine: The Guardian of Gut Integrity

L-glutamine is a vital amino acid that plays a crucial role in promoting intestinal integrity and keeping the gut lining strong. This ingredient is a true game-changer for gut health, while also offering plenty of other benefits.

  • It helps maintain the intestinal mucosa5, which can prevent the “wrong” foods and particles from being absorbed into your bloodstream.
  • It promotes the proliferation of enterocytes6, which are the cells in your intestines that absorb nutrients and transport them throughout the body. Without them, your nutrient absorption could drastically decrease.
  • It also supports normal inflammatory response, and has been shown to help maintain a healthy gut-brain connection7, thanks to supporting the good bacteria in your microbiome and decreasing oxidative stress on a cellular level.

Aloe Barbadensis: The Ancient Digestive Remedy

Also known as aloe vera, this natural ingredient is a well-rounded gut powerhouse. It's one of the oldest and most powerful plant solutions in the world, offering plenty of effects on the gut.

  • It has long been used around the world to provide temporary relief from a wide range of gut issues, including occasional cramps and constipation8.
  • Research has found that supplements containing aloe vera can improve the microbial profile and support a healthy intestinal lining9.

Aloe vera can also help keep your beneficial gut bacteria well-nourished and thriving.


Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Extract: The Safe Digestive Ally

Licorice extract, or more specifically DGL, which is a type of licorice extract. is a master at keeping your gut in balance. Your gut microbiome is made up of a very specific balance of bacteria, which is always changing. If one type flourishes, it can throw off the delicate intestinal balance, which can affect normal gut function. Or, if harmful bacteria rampage through your intestines, they can decrease the population of beneficial bacteria. This may decrease the everyday efficiency of your gut flora.

Thankfully, licorice root can help maintain the harmony between harmful and good bacteria, thus keeping the gut balanced and happy.

But this ingredient has one challenge. Some people find that licorice root is too strong of a supplement. Licorice contains a strong compound called glycyrrhizin, which provides a lot of the positive effects offered by licorice root extract.

Excessive glycyrrhizin can lead to serious side effects, including kidney failure, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, low potassium levels, pulmonary edema, and congestive heart failure10 11 12.

And that's where deglycyrrhizinated licorice extract (DGL) comes in. DGL removes most of the glycyrrhizin, leaving a safe amount for consumption.

This is especially important for those who deal with occasional digestive issues. So when you look for licorice extract, find a source containing DGL. This will ensure it not only provides nutritional support for your gut but is gentle too.


DigeZyme: The Blend for Nutrient Breakdown

DigeZyme is a proprietary blend of enzymes that has been patented. These enzymes include cellulase, protease, amylase, and lipase, which are essentially "gut health supporters".

  • The enzymes aid in digestion and ensure that your body can break down the food you eat and make good use of the nutrients you consume13.
  • By aiding in the breakdown and digestion of macro and micronutrients, this blend can support normal inflammatory response14, which can be helpful when foods are difficult to digest.
  • Thanks to this ingredient, you'll get the support you need for healthy digestion. Your gut health will have "allies" in the form of digestive enzymes that improve the overall efficiency at which food passes through your gut.

Papain: The Accelerator of Absorption

This enzyme synergizes with DygeZyme very well. Papain, which is derived from the papaya fruit, is a truly wonderful digestive aid that you should consider if your blood tests aren't satisfying.

  • It is used to turn complex proteins15 into its individual amino acids and peptides. These can then be absorbed into the body and put to use building muscle and new tissue and skin at the cellular level.
  • It works in harmony to encourage healthy digestion and nutrient absorption16, so your body utilizes the vitamins and minerals from your diet efficiently.
  • It has also been shown to support normal healthy digestive efficiency, which can help people deal with occasional heartburn and acid reflux17.
  • Most importantly, it helps calm the gut and keep things working smoothly18.

Acacia Senegal: The Gentle Prebiotic Fiber

Acacia senegal, also known as acacia fiber, is a prebiotic fiber, meaning that it's essentially “food” for your gut bacteria.

  • Like all fiber, when it enters your small intestines, it's broken down by the beneficial bacteria living in your intestines. And, like all fiber, it feeds that bacteria and encourages them to flourish.
  • It also helps increase the bifidobacteria content of the gut19, which are one of the most important families of bacteria that play a critical role in both digestion and immunity20.
  • It typically does not increase bloating or gas21. It's easily digestible and can feed your gut bacteria22 without causing discomfort in most people.
  • Best of all, this fiber is typically very well-tolerated23, even by those who are sensitive to other types of fiber.

Zinc L-Carnosine: The Dynamic Duo for Immune Defense

Zinc L-carnosine, comprising roughly 23% zinc and 77% carnosine, is perfect for anyone looking to support their immunity and GI tract. Some studies have called zinc “the gatekeeper of normal immune function”24. Zinc L-carnosine combines zinc with carnosine, which is known for its antioxidant and neuroprotective effects25.

  • This nutrient duo typically aids with normal gastrointestinal function. A daily intake of zinc L-carnosine helps stabilize the mucus lining26 that protects the intestines from harmful food particles passing through the bloodstream.
  • By managing normal oxidative stress, zinc L-carnosine may play an important role in helping people deal with occasional abdominal pain, bloating, and gas27.
  • Moreover, this compound may help support a normal inflammatory response28.

If you're looking to promote the health of your gut and preserve the integrity of the intestinal wall...

Any of these seven ingredients may help, but there's one problem...

If you want to promote the health of your gut as efficiently as possible, you should consider incorporating them all at once.

That's because of their synergetic, holistic effect.

Initially, that's what I discussed with my brother-in-law...

But that's when we faced yet another problem.

I could not find these ingredients in one product or solution on the market

You can probably imagine how chaotic it would be to remember to take seven different nutrients every day.

Imagine you are having one of those rough days and dealing with fatigue, bloating, and digestive discomfort, and you have to keep up with seven different supplements.

Not only would it be confusing, but also very expensive in the long run.

And I knew that a person experiencing all of this pain would need a solution that's as simple as possible.

Which is why I decided to help my brother-in-law, and thousands of others who are in his position.

People dealing with fatigue, bloating, and digestive discomfort need a simple, actionable solution that doesn't create more problems and stress

Which is why I consulted the best FDA-registered laboratory in the USA…

.. and worked with them for over 9 months to create the ultimate 7-ingredient formula that is specifically designed to help nourish and fortify intestinal gut lining.

With the guidance of accomplished lab and supplement researchers, we created a unique solution so that our gut can resist the challenges of today's harsh environment and better shield itself against invaders.

This formula contains 7 of the most powerful, science-backed ingredients and is called Restore Gut.

The full complex of 7 multi-purpose ingredients, which support normal intestinal health and gut integrity in a holistic way

This powerful combination works synergistically to calm, enrich, and nourish your digestive tract, providing comprehensive digestive health.

This unique holistic approach separates Restore Gut from other gut supplements

The Restore Gut formula is not a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics only support the microbiome in one specific way.

Restore Gut is specifically designed to help maintain a healthy gut lining, so that your gut can resist the challenges of today's harsh environment and better shield itself against invaders.

With its seven multi-purpose ingredients, you won't have to go through what my family did.

Our blend is made with powerful ingredients that focus on promoting digestive harmony by supporting your intestinal walls.

Restore Gut works synergistically to calm, support, and enrich your digestive tract.

L-Glutamine helps support the gut lining, and Aloe and Licorice Extract moderate inflammatory response, while Acacia Senegal promotes healthy gut flora.

The DigeZyme blend and Papain help with normal digestion and nutrient absorption, and Zinc L-Carnosine stabilizes the mucus lining.

This unique holistic approach to ingredients is what separates Restore Gut from other gut supplements out there.

Expect these results when you try Restore Gut...

Each capsule of Restore Gut contains the full complex of 7 multi-purpose ingredients, which support normal intestinal health and integrity in a holistic way.

Our formula has gone through intensive testing and has passed strict manufacturing guidelines, ensuring that each ingredient comes in the right amount from a safe source.

The unique blend of 7 ingredients in the right proportion is specifically designed to help maintain a healthy intestinal lining and enrich a healthy gut.

By supporting the protective barrier of the gut, people can enjoy healthy digestion, normal immune function, and attain more energy, vitality and vigor.

With the help of Restore Gut, you may not have to avoid family time or leisure activities, and you will not have to follow restrictive diets, like my brother-in-law did for years.

Because all of these 7 ingredients work in synergy to support your gut in a holistic and complete way, so you can reclaim your zest for life.

How can your life change after supporting the protective barrier of the gut?

  • You may feel more vibrant and energetic throughout the day as your body efficiently absorbs nutrients
  • You will experience sharper focus and mental clarity, not having to worry about your digestion all the time
  • Your confidence will skyrocket once you don't have to stress about occasional gut-related issues anymore
  • You will be able to enjoy leisure activities and spend quality time with your friends and family
  • You will feel more relaxed, knowing that your immune system is better supported

This is a unique, proprietary formula and you won't find these same ingredients in the right concentration combined in one product anywhere else on the market...

Not in pharmacies or supplement stores, not even on Amazon.


Aloe Barbadensis
Acacia Senegal
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Extract
Zinc L-Carnosine

And even then, you might not get the same quality ingredients as the ones in the Restore Gut formula.

Restore Gut is sold exclusively online, and this is the only official page where you can get Restore Gut and all 7 of its multi-purpose ingredients.

As you see below, there are three package options for the Restore Gut formula with different discounts to choose from:

Regular $79
Today $59 per bottle
1-month SUPPLY
Save $20
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $59 for 1 bottle
Best Value!
Regular $79
Today $33 per bottle
6-month SUPPLY
Save $276
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $198 for 6 bottles
Regular $79
Today $39 per bottle
3-month SUPPLY
Save $120
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $117 for 3 bottles

So How Can You Choose the Best Option and Make Sure You're Getting ALL the Benefits of the Restore Gut Formula?

Well, a lot of the ingredients found in our Restore Gut supplement were proven to work in studies performed during a 12-week period or longer.

The body needs some time to assimilate the ingredients and begin the process of nutritional support.

Which is why starting out with either the 3-month or the 6-month option might be the most effective way to experience the full effects of these ingredients.

Here's why you should opt for the 6-month or 3-month packages:
  • Get even HIGHER discounts for MORE bottles
  • Give your body TIME to experience the FULL EFFECTS of this formula
  • Make sure you have enough product and avoid waiting weeks or months until our boutique company can restock — and considering how popular this offer is, our stock is FLYING off our shelves
  • You get an exclusive offer to a product most people can only DREAM of
  • For all packages, your purchase is protected by a 180-day money back guarantee
Regular $79
Today $59 per bottle
1-month SUPPLY
Save $20
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $59 for 1 bottle
Best Value!
Regular $79
Today $33 per bottle
6-month SUPPLY
Save $276
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $198 for 6 bottles
Regular $79
Today $39 per bottle
3-month SUPPLY
Save $120
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $117 for 3 bottles

With the 3-bottle or 6-bottle packages, you have the best chance of experiencing healthy digestion, normal immune function, and attaining more energy without having to stop your progress just because you ran out of Restore Gut.

So instead of dealing with occasional digestive issues and mysterious symptoms during the day...

You can get this wonderful complex and help your body promote its natural immune defenses in just 2 seconds per day...

All you have to say is:

MAYBE this scientifically-backed formula might work for me, too.

And if you don't experience jaw-dropping results in your digestive health and energy levels during the day, a new motivation for life, and a better overall mood in the next 180 days...

Just send us an email at [email protected] and we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked, no matter what package you chose.

The choice is yours to make.

You can skip this complex formula promoting the integrity of the intestinal wall...

And go back to your old supplements which may not be enough to provide full-scale intestinal health support....

Or you can get this unique solution that has 7 multi-purpose ingredients that help nourish intestinal walls and encourage normal immune defense.

All you need to do is choose your favorite package down below and add it to your order.

And if you change your mind at any point in the next 6 months, you can send us the bottles back, even if they are all empty, and you'll get your full refund no matter what the reason is.

I know what you've just learned about the gut lining and immune defenses is a lot to take in...

I can also understand how you might feel frustrated that none of this has been shared with you before...

Believe me.

I've been where you are.

But now you know the truth.

You know there is a way for you to help control how well you absorb nutrients and put them to good use...

Help protect your body from feelings of discomfort and occasional digestive issues...

And support your body by promoting intestinal integrity for normal immune function.

And this knowledge brings you the power to do something about it...

And ultimately, change your life.

With Restore Gut, you have a convenient way to get the 7 most vital and powerful multi-purpose ingredients...

Which can finally change how you feel every day...

In just 2 seconds a day.

The choice is yours.

Thank you for reading and I hope my letter has shed some light on your health and longevity.

Stefan Apostolov
Founder of Zonia


The Restore Gut formula is a 100% natural GMO-free nutrient complex that is specifically designed to help maintain a healthy gut lining, so that our gut can resist the challenges of today's harsh environment and better shield itself against invaders. It works synergistically to calm, enrich, and nourish your digestive tract, providing comprehensive digestive health.

The ingredients from the Restore Gut formula are proven to:

  • Help support the gut lining
  • Moderate inflammatory response
  • Promote healthy gut flora
  • Help with normal digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Stabilize the mucus lining

If you want to enjoy healthy digestion, normal immune function, and attain more energy, then the Restore Gut formula is a great option for you.

Like with every other active ingredient you get in a supplement form, it's always a good idea to check with your doctor or healthcare provider, especially if you have existing conditions. There are currently no known clinically tested side effects of the ingredients of Restore Gut.

Each bottle of the Restore Gut formula has a shelf life of 24 months as long as you remember to keep the bottle in a cool, clean, dry place, especially after opening the bottle.

The best way to take the Restore Gut formula is three capsules in the morning with food.

I'm confident you will LOVE the results you get from our Restore Gut formula.

In the unlikely case you're not happy with how you feel after taking it, you are covered by a 180-day money-back guarantee.

So you can try the Restore Gut formula completely free for 6 months. And if you're not happy with the changes you experience in your immune defenses, normal digestion and overall health, send us an email at [email protected] to get a full refund.

Regular $79
Today $59 per bottle
1-month SUPPLY
Save $20
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $59 for 1 bottle
Best Value!
Regular $79
Today $33 per bottle
6-month SUPPLY
Save $276
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $198 for 6 bottles
Regular $79
Today $39 per bottle
3-month SUPPLY
Save $120
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
Your Total: $117 for 3 bottles

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