Everything About Peptides and How They Can Help Reverse Skin Aging

Everything About Peptides and How They Can Help Reverse Skin Aging

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1.28.2022 0 comments

Author: Trisha Houghton, CNS, ASIST

Aging manifests in a lot of different ways.

For some people, it starts off as a chronic health condition that starts out minor but grows to become a greater, more widespread health problem.

For others, it begins as joint, muscle, or bone limitations (often following an injury), that can lead to stiffness, pain, and even reduced mobility.

But for most of us, aging starts to show most visibly on the outside—on our skin.

Chances are, you’ve probably already started to see the first signs of skin aging. Maybe a wrinkle here or there, frown and smile lines around your mouth, a few bruises that you just can’t figure out how you got, or drooping (particularly beneath your eyes).

All of these are signs that your body is aging, and your skin is just the most visible manifestation of that aging.

But there might just be a way to reverse—or, at the very least, slow—skin aging, and in so doing, help the rest of your body age more slowly, too. 

What’s that way, you ask? 

The answer is: peptides!

Peptides 101

WebMD published a post[1] years ago that first shone a spotlight on peptides. Since then, they have been the subject of great interest—both among the world at large, and particularly among the scientific community.

Peptides are short-chain amino acids that, when they bond together (in chains of 20 or more), form proteins. 

What makes them so amazing is that these chains of proteins can help your skin to produce more collagen.

As you know, collagen is the protein your body produces in order to keep your skin healthy, fresh, and tight. It’s considered the “glue” that holds your entire body together—bones, joints, even muscle tissue—and it keeps your skin firm and supple.

Collagen production is very high when you are young, but unfortunately, it decreases as you age. Without enough collagen, your skin doesn’t have enough protein to repair the damage caused by pollution, environmental toxins, UV radiation, and dryness. A lack of collagen is directly responsible for all those wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, drooping, and other visible signs of skin aging.



And this is where peptides come in.

Peptides have been proven to increase collagen production [2], stimulating the production of “basement membrane proteins” and increasing dermal collagen expression. One study found “significant improvements in skin wrinkles” after just two weeks of regular application of peptides.

Not only can peptides help to increase collagen production, but they can also protect existing collagen. Collagen proteins are highly susceptible to damage (by UV radiation, toxins, etc.). By protecting the existing collagen supplies, peptides enable your body to make efficient repairs to damaged skin cells—essentially slowing the formation of wrinkles and age lines.

But that’s not all it can do!

Peptides can also prevent the release of neurotransmitters that cause wrinkles to form on your facial skin. They have been compared to Botox (though with a much milder effect) because of this unique property.

Peptides work to protect, but can also cause regeneration, too. Some peptide formulations can act like growth factors that increase cellular turnover in the skin, leading to faster skin repair and the replacement of old, dead skin cells. They can essentially “turn back the clock” and help your skin function like younger, healthier skin.

And, of course, peptides are potent antioxidants that can help to fight off oxygen free radicals and protect against oxidative stress. 

As you can see, peptides are a highly effective anti-aging solution that can help to protect your skin and prevent the accelerated cellular breakdown that leads to wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.

The question is: where do you get peptides from?

The answer: any peptide-enriched skincare cream, serum, or treatment.

Since it was discovered how effective they are, peptides have been infused into a wide range of face creams, masks, serums, and lotions by pretty much every manufacturer. You can find dozens of products that contain peptides to help improve your skin condition.

Skincare and dermatological clinics, too, offer peptide treatments intended to enhance skin texture and tone, firm up drooping skin, and decrease the wrinkles and lines common with age. Many of these treatments offer peptides combined with other highly potent anti-aging ingredients—including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, antioxidants, or hydrating carrier oils—to treat aging. 

Whatever route you take, just know that peptides may be one of the most effective solutions to help you protect your skin against the cellular deterioration and collagen breakdown that is a normal part of biological aging.

These simple protein chains are absolutely game-changers, and they can help you to age gracefully from the outside in, keeping your skin young, healthy, and fresh for years to come!




[1] https://www.webmd.com/beauty/features/top-6-antiaging-breakthroughs#1

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6981886/




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