6 Ideas for Summer Exercising

6 Ideas for Summer Exercising

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6.8.2020 0 comments

Author: Trisha Houghton, CNS, ASIST

One of the hardest parts about a busy summer is finding a way to get exercise.

Between your heavy workload and the many activities you get up to over the summer,, it can be tough to find the time—and energy—to fit in your workouts. 

But there’s good news: we’ve come up with six ways you can still fit in a kickass workout no matter where you are, what you’re doing, or what kind of equipment you’ve got at home!

Home Resistance Training Routine

The best way you can stay in shape this summer is by working out at home, doing a complete resistance training workout without ever leaving your property. 

If you’re lucky enough to have weights, you can get in a pretty awesome workout in your home gym. Try a simple Push-Pull-Legs circuit to work out your entire body in one session, or divide the workout up into individual muscle groups per day. Whether you work out in your basement, garage, or backyard, you’ll find it’s a great way to keep in shape over the summer.

But what do you do if you don’t have weights? There are two solutions:

  1. Use items from around your home. Chairs, cans, water jugs, boxes, and other items found around your home can be converted into makeshift weights that will be handy for your at-home workout.
  2. Go with bodyweight training. Push-ups, pull-ups, bodyweight squats, and so many other exercises can be done without the use of weights. You’ll find that working with your bodyweight actually helps to make you more fit overall.

Running and Jogging

The best thing about summer: you can work out outdoors, 

getting out into the fresh air and sunlight. It’s a great way to not only get more exercise, but also to raise your Vitamin D intake. Running and jogging at local parks can help you to train harder, and you’ll find there are many wonderful places around your town that will make for a great running spot.

Look for local running trails, tracks, and parks, or hit the streets around your house or even downtown. Trust me, when the sun is bright, , you’ll find a run or jog in the great outdoors is an absolute delight.


If you’re the kind of person who enjoys working out on a stationary bike at home, why not give outdoor cycling a try? With the days long and bright, you’ll find it’s an amazing time to be out and about your bike!

Cycling is amazing exercise, one that works your legs and cardiovascular system very effectively. You can cycle pretty much anywhere—literally bike out of your front door, take a random turn, and see how far you can go.

The beauty of cycling is that you can do it in the city, in local parks, or even outside of your area. Drive your bike outside of town and take an overnight trip to a nearby city. Or, if you want to keep it short and sweet, tackle local hills and forests. You’ll have no trouble finding new and creative ways to work out on your bike, and new spots in your area to explore!

Workout Videos

Whatever type of workout you want to do, you’ll find there’s a video that can help you do it right!

Zonia is home to countless fitness and exercise videos, with hundreds of videos you can find on any type of exercise. Want to get in a good Yoga session? No problem! Thinking of practicing Pilates? Give it a quick search and you’ll find lots of options. Want to try bodyweight training, calisthenics, or high-intensity interval training? There’s plenty of those!

Workout videos are a great option for those who aren’t sure how to do a workout effectively. Whether you opt for a 5-min quick energy boost class or 45-min deep dive fat burning workout, you’ve got more than enough materials at your fingertips that you’ll never have to do the same workout twice.

Play Sports

Sports are an amazing form of exercise, and a whole lot of fun! You’ll find an hour or two can easily pass and you’re drenched in sweat, but you barely even noticed the time because you were enjoying yourself so much.

Head to your local basketball courts or soccer fields for a pickup game, or organize a game with a group of your buddies.  

Tennis is a great sport to take up if you want to develop more explosive power and speed. You’ll find that tennis courts are typically filled with people who are open to trying a pickup game with strangers, both for those who play singles and doubles. It’s a great option if you love sports and love to move around outdoors.

Golf is another sport you can try if you want a slower pace and want to spend long hours under the sun. Spend a few weekends sharpening your golf game, and you’ll come out of the summer a much better player!


National parks have opened their trails, meaning it’s hiking season! Or, if you want to go exploring uncharted territories, you’ll find there are plenty of hikes you can enjoy in smaller, unmarked trails in local foothills, forests, and canyons.

The beauty of hiking is that there is literally no limit to how far you can go. You can spend an entire day in the great outdoors, hiking through local terrain and exploring the wonders of your area’s natural beauty. The more you do it, the more you’ll find that are marvels in nature that you’d never have seen without taking the risk and trying a new hiking adventure. 

In the end, what’s important to remember is that you can find plenty of options to exercise from home or outdoors, no matter how busy your summer is. Put some effort into your summer exercise, and the warmer months will end up being a lot more enjoyable than you ever expected!


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